Chapter 4

Recently, the situation has escalated very quickly.

I owed my life to the brave act of Mr. Kenan, which saved me from our murderous 'classmate', Melis. But after his victory in that brutal fight, there he was; approaching us in a threatening manner.

I didn't instantly become hostile against him. I assumed that his throat was damaged very badly, and he could not talk. But after my faulty reflexes during the encounter with Melis, I could not take any risks.

"If you are friendly, please stop right there!" I said to Mr. Kenan. He was either wounded badly enough to not hear us, or he was ignoring my command consciously. I could not risk believing in the first option, as it would risk my life. At that point, I could assume nothing but hostility. Not repeating the same mistake we once did, Idil and I started running away from Mr. Kenan. I took a glimpse back for a threat analysis. Mr. Kenan wasn't chasing us, but he was walking slowly towards our direction.

We turned right at the next intersection in an attempt to lose him; but we encountered someone else running in the hallways. It was a student, but I did not recognise him. As he spotted us, he stopped and started running in the opposite direction.

"Hey!" I shouted behind him, but he outright ignored me. I started chasing him to see where he went.

He went upstairs, entered a classroom and closed the door behind him. I reached the door and tried to open it, but apparently, he was holding the door with all of his strenght. I stopped trying to open the door by brute force. He had probably assumed we were agressors.

"Hey, relax... Please open the door." I said.

"No way!" he shouted. "Murderers! Monsters!" he kept yelling.

"Please open the door, he is coming for us!" I said. "We will be in a better condition together!"

I did not know how to convince him, I had no way to prove we were innocent. To my surprise, he opened the door slowly, staring right into my eyes. He had no reason to believe me, but perhaps he realised that he was trapped in that classroom.

We stared at each other for a while without saying anything. Eventually, Idil said something:

"Who are you?" she asked him.

"I'm Onur... a student from your neighboring class. I was in the art class to help with the preparation when... things happened." He was talking very softly. "Come in!" he added.

We stepped inside the classroom, and he closed the door behind us. Just then, we heard someone walking in the hallway. I put my eye on the keyhole to look at the hallway. I saw Mr. Kenan walk past the classroom we were hiding in.

"He went away." I said.

"Who was that?" Onur asked me.

"Mr. Kenan. He is..."

"Oh, yes, I know him. He was my teacher as well." he said. "Was he..."

"He was coming for us." I said.

"We can't hide forever here." he wanted to remind us.

"How did you make it out of the art class?" Idil asked, changing the subject.

"Oh God, it was horrible!" he said. "Ahem... Well, some time after you left us there to search the building, all of a sudden, that girl... you know who she is, started laughing. But what a laugh! She was laughing hysterically, madly! When one of your other friends approached her to see if she was okay, she grabbed the scissors from the table and hit him in his neck. After that moment, everything went red and black. Everyone panicked, and someone else tried to fight her. In that confusion, I tried to make my way out of the classroom." he told us.

"How did you get out of the room?" I asked him.

"After you arrived and the door unlocked, Melis and I were the only living beings in that room. During the panic moment, I succeeded at hiding myself behind one of those large paintings stacked near the wall. I saw that she went away to chase you, and I got out of the class afterwards." he said. "What happened to her? How did you... kill her?" he asked us. Undoubtedly, he had seen the corpse on the bottom floor, near the stairwell.

"We didn't." I told him. "She got into a fight with Mr. Kenan. It was probably him who... killed her." I said.

"If so... why is he after you now? It makes no sense." he said.

"I don't get it either. I didn't get why Melis attacked us, either!" I added.

"You see, maybe..." Idil started talking. "Maybe after he killed her, he became the 'host' of that agressive... 'force'." she said.

"How in the world did you come up with THAT idea?" I asked her.

"Mr. Kenan asked us to believe in paranormal things, remember? I think those people are... sort of 'posessed'. Because there is no way they could attack their lovely friends!" she said. But, like everything else happening around us, that thought made no sense. Fortunately, by now, I was getting used to things not making any sense. While I was thinking and trying to make sense out of the events, Onur shouted in panic.

"We have to get out!"

I looked inside the classroom, or rather, what was once a classroom. The desks were gone, and there was a hospital bed in the middle of the room, with lots of surgery equipment around it. The building was transforming wildly.

Idil opened the door and we got out of the classroom. The hallway has changed as well. But more interestingly, the posters Idil hanged on the wall has been replaced by some notebook pages. I got closer to one of them to read what was written on it. It read the following: