This is the end of Volume 2.
The Phantom School has been a longer and much deeper story than I have imagined when I started writing this book. At most points, I let my mind go along with the flow of the story despite all the twists; perhaps this is how the twists happened. Who knows?
Like the first book, I tried to preserve the balance between mystery and violence/action in a relatively homogeneous way; avoiding turning the story into either Sherlock Holmes or a Japanese gory horror movie.
As you can understand, I didn't always answer all the questions and solved all mysteries; and this one was on purpose. Because, as a reader, I always like it when the writers leave some space for the readers to speculate and create theories about. So, that's sort of what I tried to do. I might not have reached some of my goals, but it is okay, because I'm happy with the world and the story I created.
I thank all my readers, I hope you enjoyed the book. BUT a few special thanks will go to the following people;
- Chronische(n) for his insightful comments that made me think about how my story was going and how I was telling it.
- Mainly cherry08 and a few others for boosting me with excessive enthusiasm that made me keep writing this story with little delays.
- All of my reviewers for the kind feedback, occassional constructive critisizm and just letting me know that people were actually reading my book.