capillary action

I wonder how her daughter is doing. Su Han was too absorbed in her thoughts to listen to mine. She looked at me and gave a sad smile.

" I wonder how my daughter is doing. I also don't know where she is. She is a captive of 666, who is on the run in the black hole outside of Rivera system. He found out that I was an advanced earthling and took her to experiment on her to increase his longevity and power."

"The UCO (united countries organisation) was losing its control. I was sent to China by the 666 to pressurize the government to start setting up armies for the nuclear war. I had to live in China. I should have taken her with me. Since my husband was working for 666 he took my daughter 'Mandari ', to work every now and then. That's how it started."

She is a sweet little thing with bright blue eyes, which remind you of the ocean. Wheatish complexion which makes you feel like she is made of gold. she has curly hair and pointy chin with a beautiful face. Everyone fell in love with her. but she fell for 666."

Remorse and despondency enveloped the aura of Su Han. She missed her daughter.

I was sighing with longing to see that girl. I prayed to the gods of this planet that she be saved and brought back.

"Hey !! you know what..... I will bring back your daughter. I will shove some sense down her throat and bring her back..... " I thought.

She replied with a sad smile," You have far more important things to do than just try to find the girl who doesn't want to be found."


I don't know yet what I am supposed to do. I am dying to taste something delicious though. The formula that these people give me is weird. It kinda leaves a cold and shivery feeling in my mouth. It attacks my tongue as a dolphin jumps in the water.

"I will bring something to eat for you tomorrow." She says with the sweetest voice.

Je Hong entered the room. I knew his name from the nameplate he wore that day. I really liked how he looked. He had nice well-kept hair on his head. A mole just below his right eye. The mole made me wanna kiss him on that spot. I gulped the saliva in my mouth with that thought and that guy caught me. He had warm and tired eyes. It felt like they were waiting to see me.

I couldn't move because my back was yet to activate. I now thought of my body as a piece of old machinery.

He came directly to me. His blue shirt shining in the rays of sunlight that seemed whiter than earth. Yes, people dressed here the same. They found jumpsuits uncomfortable, and probably because of private business. He smelled like aster today. It was a pleasant smell.

He bent and he kissed me on the lips.

It was a long lingering kiss. His lips didn't move for a few seconds, they just sucked on mine like a tree sucks water through capillary action. The warmth in his touch gave me goosebumps. I wanted to raise my hand and caress his cheeks but I couldn't and I cursed my body, forgetting that I am not trained in keeping my thoughts under control.


He got startled.

Jumped Back....... Looked at me with an amused expression. And gave out a laugh that K2 thought didn't exist.