WebNovelThe Hitman100.00%

I am God

So I took the hard drive I had saved from the laptop I had gotten rid of to a buddy of mine who is a programmer to check for how the hell they hacked into my system. I wanted to keep it cause I had some shit I wanted on it that had sentimental value, and I didn't want to find all the songs and movies I'd downloaded all over again. Anyways, he transferred the things I still wanted over to my laptop and ran all the files through a program to check for abnormal files or viruses hidden in any of the transferred data. He didn't find any so I was in the clear there. I didn't tell him what had happened in the past month, he just figured I was busy at work or whatever. He downloaded some security software on my new laptop and gave me a few tips on how to avoid my security from getting breached. I probably should have told him that it wasn't just some random guy hacking my system, but if I got into details it could possibly put him at risk so I just thanked him and went on my way.

As I was getting back to my hotel and going up to my room, I saw a man in a suit standing across the street, just... staring at me. I went inside freaking out and checked out the window every couple minutes to see if he was still there. After a few peaks of him still looking right at me, he got on his phone and eventually left.

Shortly after I went to a hotel, taking U-turns and backtracking to make sure I wasn't followed. I checked in and went to my room to check it out. I took my bug detector and went around the room. Nothing came up luckily. As I went outside to get my bags out of my bag, I felt like I was being watched again. I looked around thinking I was just being paranoid, and fucking again there was a different guy in a suit just watching me. Holy shit how many guys do they have to watch me this time? And why haven't they just killed me already? Well, I'll find out soon enough.

I went into my room and started thinking about everything that had happened since I killed Mike. I started thinking about the car crash I'd seen, and the people I saw in it. After thinking for hours the girl in the car that was t-boned, I did know her. She worked in a different branch for the company I used to work for. She didn't work in my building, and I didn't even know if she worked in the same city since my company was in several different states. But I was sure I've seen her in my office dropping papers off to my boss. Why her though? Was it a fluke? And then I thought about the cop afterward. No one was around when I killed Mike. There was no report on the news about it. I wore gloves so there wouldn't be any prints, and I torched the whole fucking car. What the fuck is going on? Fuck it I had no idea, and I'm dead anyway.

I went to my computer and opened it to look up a good bar to get fucked up at. Another command bar was open and it said "We need to talk. Sunset Park, tomorrow _PM. Go to the southeast corner. Come alone. If you pull anything you will be shot, don't be stupid."

Well fuck it, they know where I am anywhere I go. They have people everywhere, and I'm willing they'll go to any length to find me. Maybe they just haven't killed me yet cause they want a private place where it'll be easy to do it and to dispose of my body. I can't run anymore, I don't want to run anymore. I had the time of my life, and now it's not fun anymore. Oh well, I'll see what they want, and I'm gonna go get shit phased and have a good time

Here is a little gift for ya'll

"When I came to, I was standing in a void with a thousand other people, all shoulder-to-shoulder with no room to breathe. The air was hot and stale. Nobody moved.

I took a deep breath and glanced around me. A cavernous ceiling encompassed us; a rocky ledge pressed up on our feet.

I stood on tiptoes to get a better view.

Wait... not a thousand people, more like a million. They went on for miles and miles on all sides. For several seconds, I could only stare.

I heard it before I saw it- the decomposing. A strange buzzing filled my ears as the people around me collapsed; moaning, groaning and foaming at the mouth. Eventually all that remained were the broken skulls, along with the flies and hornets crawling inside and out.

Back and forth. In and out.

I stood alone, nostalgic and lonely.

"Well, you made it."

I turned to face him. A bald head, Arabic beard. He was busy playing backgammon with an invisible opponent.

"Made it where?"

"To where do you think?" He picked up a white button and gently replaced it with a black one.

I felt something sink deep far inside me. My very soul turned dark and churned a bit, before settling out.

Fuck. Yeah, I knew where I was.

"You didn't believe in this place, did you?" he breathed, with the slightest of smiles.

"No sir." It was getting hotter.

He laughed. "You didn't want to believe, did you?"

"No sir. I didn't."

For the first time since waking up, I felt afraid. Terror began to sweep through my body like a wildfire. I was losing it. I fought to compose myself.

"You really had me fooled, you know. I was almost positive that none of this was real," I said shakily.

He smiled and nodded knowingly. I continued.

"They say the greatest trick you ever pulled was convincing the world that you don't exist."

The smile slowly faded. "No.. The greatest trick I ever pulled was convincing the world that there was an alternative."

I paused and shivered. "You mean... there is no God?"

The devil began to chuckle. His laughter increased in intensity until it deafened my ears. Then he spoke, and the boom crushed my thoughts into a thousand fragmented shards. The cavern walls shook; his words were roared beyond my comprehension- each syllable a meaningless cacophony.

I jerked awake, screaming and clutching at my ear drums. Just a dream, it was just a dream. Several minutes passed as I sat in my bed, breathing heavily and sweating profusely.

Then I heard again the devil's last words, this time softly whispered in my ear:

"I am God." "