Messenger Of Light

"Heyyy.. 3rd prime… Eka ni 3rd prime sha(1). He can't even wait for a brief second…"

A girl muttered breathlessly to herself as she dashed over to where 3rd prime stood from a couple of huts.

The people around who mostly had white cloth wrapped around their body alongside with white beads and spirals of light on their arms looked at the person running.

They too, seemed to ooze out a cool calming aura of essence.

After finding out the commotion source, they turned and went about their businesses as if she mattered little to them. And she really did.

Afterall, she was Ninola, from a neigbhouring ilu(2) on exile. Infact, for her to still be able to move freely showed that the Orisha(3) was merciful.

Even at that, she was not worth their attention and had been allowed to roam freely between the various ilu orun(4).

"Aiiieeee…" Niniola cried and punched into the hollow of her open palm sending golden sparks of energy into several directions.. Despite the fact that she was exiled and had been away from training, Niniola had yet been able to maintain an impressive feat of power and strength.

Even to the extent of matching low level primes in power and vigor. She was feared and this was a major reason as to why her existence was ignored in all of Orun.

Except in the Orun Apaadi(5) where huge and deadly sinister creatures and demons never gave thought to who they had for breakfast.

Niniola, flung her hands backwards and lunged forward.

As she did so, her feet blurred on the ground leaving flickers of afterimages as she progressed.

'I need to be faster… I can still trace his essence but its getting faint. Need to get into range before it fades off' She thought as she sailed forward on the brown crusty ground

Minutes later...

The trees were huge and birds of all colors fluttered about them, flooding the air with beautiful harmonies. In the midst of the trees was a huge all-white building with statues here and there lining the entrance and steel faced guards wearing white robes with crimson armor and grayed beads. The statues resembled humans in strange clothing and each and each of them, despite that they were statues, had a sort of godly aura about them.

Beneath these statues was a man walking down in though. He had a huge blade that was curved at the tip and had several markings on it. On this person's waists were white beads that glowed and jingled as he pulled at his silver streak of hair at his chin.

As he walked, the guards bowed their heads in acknowledgement to senior official. But he did not even heed their greetings. He just kept walking.

Until, a voice rang through the air, startling him.

"Maeriussss… What have you done?... How could you do this?" Maerius looked up front and bowed slightly for a second as a strong yet familiar aura brushed about his skin.

He knew who it was.

It was The Elder. The one in charge of the entire ilu orun that they lived in.

And he had violated his orders.

"How could you send Sunday down there? I warned you not to. I forsaw this. I forsaw this…"

"But you are no diviner, Elder. How could you read into the future?" Maerius said to the old man in front of him.

This old man had a full bunch of graying beard that streaked from his Earline, growing in width and thickness down to his chin. He wore flowing white garments and held a wooden staff that he shook furiously. But a second glance at this staff would tell that this was no ordinary staff. It had markings that oozed out a faint hue of golden light.

About them, the air rustled and birds flapped their winds away in fright. A repressive aura was already spreading out from the elder as opposed to the other natural aura he had.

He was angry.

And Furious.

"Don't Mock me. As the highest ranked, I have been blessed by the Orisha themselves." The Elder warned shaking a finger at Maerius.

Maerius chuckled before tapping the shoulder of Elder. "Then you need not worry. Most blessed of the Orisha."

"Fate has sealed him already. We need to get him away from us before he taints us all."

Maerius opened his mouth.

"We need to eliminate him totally" The Elder spoke, gaining hold of his hysterical self.

"But he is your son! He came from your loins.How can you do that? You and I know that Fate is never constant." Maerius retorted.

"I will not have my son ruin my legacy. And as the elder of all Orun Emi Rere(6), It is my duty to prevent darkness from growing within us.' The Elder spoke, gazing into space.

"No, let me go to him. Let me bring him back. I sent him there. Let me call him back. If he refuses...." Maerius spoke solemnly with a head bowed in dejection.

"He is my son. That's why I am taking these measures. " Elder spoke after awhile. A little slivery drop of tear dropped down from his eyes.

"It's the right thing to do, 3rd Prime." He added. "Find him, before I do"

Just then, a bird fluttered past. It appeared to be singing a solemn note. But, in reality, it was crying.

It too up to the skies and flew on and on upwards as if trying to break through the heavens.


A flash of light shot across the sky. The light traveled down to the ground as if it was flung down hurriedly. It crashed down and then split into a visible form as if it was trying to form something solid.


The light hit hard against the ground. And flickered off. Despite the force with which it came down, the impact was minimal.

In its place was Niniola. She was stooping low, one hand drawn back and the other, holding a double ended spear made completely of light which was deeply rooted In the ground.

Then she rose slowly.

Tears falling off her cheeks freely, she said "No, I wont let them do this to you, Sunday… No, never." She muttered.

No more was the breathless girl trying to catch up with 3rd Prime. In her place was a 'Messenger of light' in all glory clenching a light spear. Her braids and waist beads fluttered about as a soft breeze spread out from her.

In that same second, bluish metal appeared over her white gown creating an armor plate on her entire body.


"I already told you. There's a lot of things you would not understand. The supernatural is mystery to humans." Sunday said amidst his shaking of his head.

"I talked to you only because of the spiritual essence you are oozing out right now. Its powerful. Even for a human."

"Spiritual essence?..." Bolu checked herself, starting with her hands.

Yes, she noticed that her body seemed brighter than ever. But that could also be as a result of her continuous exposure to bright light. What was this… messenger of light saying.

Or what did this 'Messenger of light' mean?

"Yes, spiritual essence. Your aura." Sunday replied, tilting his head abit.

"I..I don't understand." Bolu shook her head, still admiring her somewhat glowing hands. "My body is glowing. Strangely, I don't feel any weakness or pain anywhere. Even the pain in my heart… i.. I feel brand new." Bolu added, looking up at Sunday now.

"You must be an angel. God sent me an angel… Yassssss!" Bolu eyes widened with realization as she leapt up from the ground, joyous.

"I told you, the term Angel. It's relative. Angels are just what humans use to classify supernatural encounters that they cannot explain." Sunday replied.

Bolu froze.

She stretched her trembling finger at her as panic shot across her face. "So, you are not an Angel?"

Bolu was heaving now. It seemed her knees were about to give way as she bent abit in a bid to stabilize them.

"No. no. no no no no… Nooooo…" Bolu screamed, backing away to the end of the room , away from Sunday."Get away from me, you devil."

Sunday's eyes flickered for abit. The door opened again and banged shut, continuously sending cold shivers down her spine.

What had she entered into now? She could feel a force pushing at her, chipping her now regained energy continuously.

At this sight, Sunday chuckled. "Oh, I'm sorry. Didn't mean to frighten you. I was only giving you an indication of what spiritual essence felt like." He moved towards her but she retreated.

They continued till she was backing the wall. Scared stiff, her fingers gripped at the wall, sliding over it as if searching a sort of object she could use to smash this creepy smiling… whatever

Sunday got to her now. And then, vanished.

In a blink,he was back where he started.

"Easy, Bolu. In human existence, there are higher up controlling the turn of events. The physical, your realm is controlled by the spiritual. And as you know it, even spiritual side has divisions.

There's God and there's him…"

'who's him? Satan? ' Bolu queried mentally

"Ever wonder why your life was chaotic earlier? It is because the forces of darkness have paid attention to the godly aura from you. That is why they have been trying to taint your aura inorder to weaken you. Your aura is scaring them. That's why they have been fighting you in every area of you life."

"ME.., Bolu swallowed hard. How did I go to being focus for the devils?" She muttered inaudibly but he heard her.

"You know what you humans say.-No good deed is lost. Your times of helping people had built your aura to an impressive state, scaring even demons. That's why it only logical for them to trouble you till they taint it or even take your life to have your essence to them and even put a dampener on you, like the one I just banished fro your soul. Lest just say, you are Very Important to in the spiritual. When you prayed, your aura jumped up higher, forcefully calling into the heavens and I was deployed to you. "

"Ohh…" Bolu cooed. She was seating on he ground now with her around her mouth as she ooh'ed.

"Because of you high essence, I am talking to you. I have overstepped bounds that shouldn't be stepped and…"

"If you are not an Angel. Then, what are you?" Bolu asked again, puzzled.

Sunday did not reply. Instead, he walked to the place he originally appeared in. As he did, his body began glowing brightly.

Then he looked back.

"I am an Irunmole… a messenger of light." Sunday said before smirking at her.

He glowed brighter as a chaotic storm of light wisps flickered about in the air around him.


He flashed, flickering for a bit.

Then he was no more.

It was just her.

And she still couldn't believe her eyes•



1. 3rd Prime is Wicked.

2. Town/Realm

3. Gods/Goddess/Deity

4. Heaven

5. Realm of the Unpure

6. realm of the pure spirits
