Technically Screwed


*Huff, Huff...

The quadruple rescue squad huffed generally as they lifted off the ground. Gliding gracefully, their feet landed on the blacksmith stall before they jumped on the the nearest building, an administrative hall for the blacksmith with Wole taking the lead. He was the group leader and that was expected of him.

Albeit arrogant but the team wouldn't do so much without his tactfulness and quickwits.

They clambered off the blacksmith adminstrative block, leaping onto a slightly higher block of two flats.

In Ilu Orun, things were of slight similarities to things of Earth. There were markets, stalls, workshops where these Irunmoles underwent training, exchange or workmanship. This constituted most of their lives as not all of them often had tasks and missions as well as they also dealt with age factor.

It wasn't that age limited them as a 400 year old Irunmole was capable of thrashing teams of Elites. It just that, these elderly ones were less active in the mission system and since they had to busy themselves instead of being idle, they took to some workmanship or shops where they sold things they had gathered.

Some even went as far as developing themselves into research teams, researching the Aspectual Laws and trying to understand how best they could further live. As a result, they evolved, making them much more than just warriors. After all ,they could reproduce and if the gods wanted just an army, then the reproduction was unnecessary. But yet, they could.

Hence they saw themselves, better and even more evolved than the human society that Eledumare found himself engaged with. A particular Irunmole had once called out to the Orishas and Eledumare asking 'What is man that you are mindful of? Is he not just here for awhile and then tomorrow, he's gone?'

Well, instead of being the focus of Eledumare, the Humans were. And it wasn't just aside from the seemingly immortality these Irunmoles had that made them different. Although, they were only able to live for a period of 400 centuries at average. The main difference was that they were capable of sensing Creation Power and manipulating it into it's various refined states. One of which was 'Ino Agbara'.

In no time, the squad of Wole, Shola, Ibiyemi and Toyosi arrived at the battle scene, knife like darts drawn out. Large enough to be called a knife but sharp on all the edges, not just the tip. The basic Irunmole weapon for Basic Classed Irunmoles who were incapable of moulding In Agbara into attacks, the Saarin(1).

"Hey, move closer." Wole whispered, drawing the attention of his team mates.

Right in front of them, a little ahead were Irunmoles from the High Council, no doubt, highly Classed Irunmoles. They were a few on guard elite Irunmoles around, standing in clusters as they patrolled, trying to dissuade onlookers from moving any closer.

Far ahead were other higher Irunmoles. Although, they couldn't tell categorically which class they each belonged too.

Around was an impact zone spreading for 70metres, huge depressions in certain places. No doubt, areas under heavy combat.

They watched, obscured from view by a large charred tree. As they did, Wole eyes went to and fro, trying to ascertain a particular technique. As he did, his team mates suddenly had expectant looks, locked on him.

He watched, noting an orb that seemed to blend in with the ground. In a short distance, another orb sat on the ground. Despite the fact he was merely a basic class, he could sense the energy signatures these orb gave. He narrowed his eyes as he looked on , searching for any more noteworthy item.

Why are there two orbs around? Wole wondered. What had orbs to do with Higher Ups battle that had taken place in here. He peered, squeezing his face in a thoughtful gaze.

Just then, he felt energy flunctuate within his soul, a signature move of his innate 'Life Seeker' ability. He instanteously felt drawn to the orbs, a sensation of touch beclouding him.

His ability was one that allowed him means to identify energy signatures. Although, this was a feat that all Irunmoles were capable of. However not all Irunmoles were able to detect hidden auras emanating from the life essensce of celestial beings or general living beings.

It was this same ability he had used to haunt down Sunday and make his time in Ijinle Orun quite miserable. Well, until, that exile showed up.

Instantly, his senses flared fuelled by the sesnation of touch. A longing that pulled him towards one of those orbs

'These two Orbs are pulling at me. Are they living beings too? No, that can't be possible, right? Can it? But ... Based on the Calibre of Irunmoles that engaged here, anything is quite possible, right?' Wole mused.

Just then, the two orbs flashed, seemingly invisible essence flaring up as an Irunmole walked past the orbs.


The orbs reacted to that... It seemed alive but...


There were similar flunctuations in his soul, identical to the orbs in front of him. His ability was malfunctioning?

How could that be? He mused.

It was fact that ones he had locked on on a particular life essence, he could detect that essence several meters away. It simply was unable to hide. And now that he could sense more energy signatures, similar to each other.

It was perplexing.

Did the orbs teleport. But right before him, they were just seated on the ground, inconspicuous to plain sight.

Or, except there were quite more of them around? He pushed a little Abit to the side of the tree, trying to pick out more energy signatures.

As he did, an Irunmole turned back, sharply as if detecting something fishy. The Irunmole, walked closer to the tree, light forming in his hands as he summoned his Imole Mo.

At that, he quickly motioned to the team to stay put. Something they took quite anxiously, sweat dropping down their heads. Where they about to be caught?

So fast?

They hadn't been given a chance to even gather points?. And for all their efforts, they were going to get locked down into Messenger Ranks, something they were out on this mission to avoid.

Wole frowned. Hurriedly, he looked about him, searching. And just close to his sandals, he picked a pebble.

'Oh Eledumare, let this work ' With the prayer, he posed as if taking basket ball free throw, standing on already straining toes, he hurled the pebble to the farthest corner, away from there.

The Irunmole caught it. His head turned, following the stone as it crashed into the opposite place. With that, he muttered something, walking quite cautiously to the source of the stone.

"Well, guys... We are technically screwed." He whispered

"What do we do?" Shola asked,running hands through his dreads

"Guys, no panic. Let's climb this tree. From there we can strategise to..."


Toyosi found himself hurled out into view from his squad members. Opening his eyes in horror, he cursed after Shola who had practically thrown him out. His eyes pleading, locked on Wole, the group leader.

"Nice one, Shola. Quick, we'll climb up this tree. And we'll work our way past." Wole spoke, ignoring the pair of wronged eyes looking at him

He shut his heart, hearing Toyosi yell "It's not fair. We are supposed to work as a team. No." The horror in his voice was noticeable as he had realised what this meant.

"You! No unathourized persons here. You've broken the law." The Elite Irunmole closed in on him, clutching his jacket by the collar.

"And you will pay the price in full." At that, the Elite whipped out a shinning golden lock. Clipping the lock close to his neck, the young Irunmole gasped, tears flooding into his eyes. His exams were practically over and worse he was used as the scapegoat.

He shook his head, bitter emotions taking over him. Opening his mouth to speak but no words appeared. This was because of the lock that was floating right in front of his chest. Preventing him from drawing on his essence for anything, but in this case, preventing him from making any body sounds and movement.

"Was that even necessary? We are supposed to work together for leve.." Ibiyemi asked as soon as they were lodged in the tree. They were safe, for now.

"Do you wish to join him?" Wole asked, a wicked smirk forming on his face.

"Uh...No.." Ibiyemi gasped, shaking her head in dissent. She felt for Toyosi badly. What Wole and Shola did was wrong. They had just crippled Toyosi from becoming an Elite by using him as a scapegoat.

She desperately wished she could undo all of that.

'I mean, no one should have to suffer unjustly because of others. Oh, King Obatala, if only I was strong enough. None of that would of happened. '

None of that would have happened but what could she do? She was merely a Basic Class Irunmole and until she could rise up, could she really become Karma's hand to punish Wole and his counterpart.

The duo of Wole and Shola had wrecked alot of havoc. Sadly very few existed in Ijinle that could challenge Them. And so , they thought themselves invincible. Enough to picking on others and getting away with it.

Heh... But what could she do?

For now, she was stuck until she could get strong enough to uphold her ideals.

"Please ignore this, captain. What's our plan?" Shola whispered.



1. Long pointed needle like darts