The Wolf Named Bane

Agbawo stretched a hand forward. "But, I can teach you how to keep the wolf behind bars so it never ever possesses you. And I can do that, starting from now."

"How?" Sunday asked, heaving as sweat drops began dripping from his temples.

"It's your body. It's your soul. The wolf is a tenant. It's stronger than you but it's still you that is accommodating it. But you can isolate it by concentrating your fiercest emotion there." Agbawo squeezed his hand into a fist.

"How?" Sunday heaved on.

"What do you regret the most? Feed it that?" Agbawo replied, watching as a blank look filled Sunday's eyes.

"Hey..." Obedi whispered after walking closer to the Lord Class Irunmole, his face revealing utmost confusion. "What's the big idea? How does his controlling the beast help me capture it?"