Ibiyemi Vs The Rogue Mercs II

The wind rustles gently, sifting through the trees and vegetation about and almost quenching the fire that burned quietly while two pieces of roast stuck into two sticks lean in close to them.

Ibiyemi stood, her eyes fierce looking at the two mercenaries that she was told to deal with. Behind her stood Elias, Elisa and the Fate practitioner, Tobias, all in their masks.

All it needed for the battle to ensue was for some actions on either part. And as it was, Ibiyemi had no intention of letting that action come from them.

"Abele Iruju." Ibiyemi chanted softly, weaving the signs and condensing the energy required for the appearance of her illusionary blade technique.

Without a second lapse, her feet tear through the air, dashing with fierceness as she got into range of the two rogue mercs.

And as she did, her mind immediately sped into action, building an attack pattern for to use.