Unleash the Beast

At her words, Sunday had taken flight, running as fast as he could towards the area of the translucent flow of energy.

It was similar to what he had seen back at the deployment zone. And Bane had told him back then that the energy in the ring was something of spatial type, used to link worlds together. And so, seeing it here in it's raw form, he had quickly identified it.

It was like a waterfall, flowing from the sky down to the earth in one neatly stacked line. Colors of blue and grey and white ran through it consistently with each passing second. 

However with the booming sounds of the battle behind him, his conscience began to prick him.

Leaving Niniola to deal with that demon all by herself did not seem right to him.

He turned back and watched, insure of what to do. At the moment of his indecision, the green lights swarmed towards Niniola and then she began to stagger about.