First Day on Earth

"Why are they walking through you?" He asked, pointing as humans walked through Bane almost as if nothing was there.

'Same goes for you!' Bane chuckled.

"Wow!" He gasped just as a teenager with deadlocks walked through him.

"Oh, we are spirit beings. Technically, we do not exist to the humans."

'Not exist. We do not have physical bodies and so we are unable to grasp their sense of solidity.' Bane corrected him. 'I would suppose we get over to the mission already. Where is it at?' 

"Yes, that is right. Today is the last day and it already seems like the day is fast dwindling already."Sunday muttered, looking up into the sky. 

The set up of Earth atmospheric conditions was not so much different as that of Orun. There was the sun, clouds, numerous buildings here and there and of course, even more numerous were ehe people walking about on their feet.