
24 hours earlier....

Late Friday afternoon Zhang Mi's personal driver Yang Lin had dropped her off at the entrance to Zi'yi hotel known for its luxurious penthouse. She walked through the revolving glass doors, heading straight for the elevator that would take her to the 5th floor, on getting there she punched in the eight digits representing Feng Duan's birthday on the electronic pad resting on the door frame.

Zhang Mi reached for the door handle after hearing the low beep coming from the device, on getting in the door slammed shut behind her. Surprisingly, she saw a pair of bright red shoes beside the designer shoe brand her boyfriend usually wore. A feeling of dread suddenly came over her, perfectly manicured fingers started to shake as sweat was beginning to form on the palms of both hands and on her forehead.

"It can't be, there is no way this is happening!"

Half walking half running towards the direction of where her boyfriend's bedroom was located. A few steps after she came to a dead stop outside a brown metal double door with golden handle. She thought she heard something but was not so sure. It was almost as if there was a muffled sound coming from within. With shaking hands, she reached towards both handles by the door, pulling them apart.

Zhang Mi froze in shock, what she saw made her heart drop, her legs began to shake almost giving way. Almost in a daze she reached for the door frame to try to prevent herself from falling after coming to face with her boyfriend in a compromising position with someone whose face she had seen briefly during the times she would go to his office for them to go on lunch together. She reached for the light switch by the wall, flipping the switch, causing the room to be flooded with so much bright light.

On a wide king sized bed was her boyfriend on top of the other woman, he was naked from the waist up, only the blue sheet on the bed covered his rare end, the other woman in question had both breasts exposed, her pink nipples pressed tightly against his chest, they held on tightly to each other, both gave off moaning sounds as he kept ridding her. A few seconds after they got over the shock of seeing her by the door, they slowly broke away from each other, both clutching the sheet to their chest. They looked extremely disheveled.

She could not believe what her eyes saw, deep within she kept screaming in denial, right there she knew that her world had been brutally crushed into tiny pieces, leaving nothing behind. When she finally found her voice, she said the only words that came to her mind.

"Feng Duan! What have you done?!"

Her boyfriend appeared unmoved by the pain filled words she screamed at him, instead he shrugged his shoulder, as though telling her that she was free to say what she wanted and whenever she was done she could leave. The other woman avoided making eye contact with her, instead she flicked her lustrous disheveled raven hair over her shoulder.

For the first time, Zhang Mi felt what it meant to have been thoroughly used, pale faced she continued to stare at both of them, not knowing what else to do about the situation that was staring her in the eye.

Her mind was filled with so many thoughts, each clashing against one another, as though coming to a sudden conclusion, she stormed towards the direction of the bathroom. The other occupants could hear rummaging sounds coming from there, after a brief period they saw her walk back, holding in her hand a small silver scissors. Their eyes widened in alarm as they wondered what she was going to do with the weapon she tightly clenched on.

"Feng Duan, I'll kill you and that bitch, and after I'll kill myself!"

Zhang Mi shouted those words at her boyfriend, who in turn responded angrily, "Are you mad? You think I am scared of you?! Hung Zilin and I are both adults, you don't have the right to butt into our lives!"

Upset by how her boyfriend still chose to protect the other woman, she angrily walked towards their bed.

"Do something Feng Duan! She's going to kill us!"

As though something had snapped within him, Feng Duan tossed aside the sheet that hid his naked toned body, sliding off the bed, he walked towards his girlfriend. A loud resounding slap echoed within the room, stunned by the action of her boyfriend, the scissor she held in her hand dropped to the floor with a sharp clang.

"Leave! Before I call the police and report you for attempted murder and break-in!"

His nose flared in barely suppressed anger, lifting his right finger, he pointed towards the door for her to take her leave.

Face stinging from both the slapped she just received and from embarrassment, Zhang Mi turned around with her head hanging low, tears endlessly ran down her cheek. She kept walking as though in a daze, people that passed by kept casting odd looks in her direction. On her way down from the time she left the penthouse to exiting the elevator she had made a call for her driver to meet her at the front of the hotel. With no questions asked the driver got out to open the door for the young miss, closing it firmly behind her, before turning around to start the car, heading straight towards the Zhang villa.