Power Shakeup

After spending a full day within the hospital, Zhang Mi was discharged. Exiting out of the hospital was a nightmare, there was reporters everywhere, some of them had microphones to her face and in the process of them shoving to get closer, one of the mics hit her straight in the face causing a huge welt on her face. None of her bodyguards noticed what had happened as each one was trying to push aside the tons of reporters in their way.

Personal driver of the Zhang heiress had already left earlier to get ready for the young miss to be driven home. After what felt like almost a lifetime, they finally made it pass the exit door, sprinting straight to the awaiting luxurious black car whose door was wide open.

The car sped through the late afternoon road, each time they arrived at a stop, the driver will impatiently slam on the brakes. Before long, the car arrived at the Zhang villa. Yanking the door open, the young miss stormed past her driver, walking straight to the main entrance of the villa. Without sparing any of her staff a glance, she ran up the polished dark marble stairs, straight to her room.

No sooner had she gone in, tears that was locked up behind her lids ran down like a flood. Swollen eyed. Stripping to only her underwear, she succumbed to a restless dreamless sleep.

Next day, series of banging sound alerted the Zhang heiress, that something was amiss.

"Young Miss Zhang, an emergency shareholders meeting has been called!"

The voice on the other end of the door was none other than her personal driver Yang Lin, his voice rang with desperation.

Shaken by what she heard, the young miss reached for her red night robe hanging by the walk-in closet, after securing the robe, she walked towards the door. Hands on the door, she opened it, as Yang Lin stood by the entryway.

"Get the car ready! We are heading over to Zhang Corporation!"

She spoke with a steely voice, her demeanor although inwardly shaken, yet she was still able to maintain her calm.

After seeing her driver had left, she turned around to get herself ready for the day ahead, donning on her Lapis power suit, hair styled sophisticatedly, both earlobes was accessorized with expensive gold looped earrings and she had on both feet nude heels to go. An arctic colored handbag was hanging from one hand, her face had on carefully applied makeup that hid the dark bags underneath her eyes.

Once she was satisfied by her reflection by the mirror, she made her way downstairs almost in a leisurely manner.

Outside, the driver was waiting by the side of the car, on seeing her, reached out to open the backseat door for the Zhang heiress, shutting it after she was completely in. Starting the car, Yang Lin sped through the open gate out of the Zhang villa, heading towards Zhang Corporation.

An imposing skyscraper of refined clear-cut glass stood majestically on the paved asphalt road; the company's name emblazoned in crimson color.

Screeching to a stop, the driver of the Zhang heiress came out of the car to open the backseat door for her to step out. Firmly closing it behind her and securing the car afterwards. There was no news reporter lurking by since a representative from the company had secretly sent them hush money ahead of time.

The young miss walked briskly through the magnificent glass revolving door, heading straight for the thirty-fifth floor where the emergency shareholders meeting was supposedly meant to take place.

All who saw her curtsied as she walked by, carefully avoiding the path she walked on.

Walking to catch up to her was her personal driver. Scaling through the elevator to the floor where the meeting was to be held happened almost like a breeze.

Making a left turn, with a few feet forward, on the right was a huge steel double door guarded by men in corporate black from Zhang Corporation. They curtsied on seeing her, and stepped aside, watching as she rushed into a large conference room.

One of the men standing against the wall, walked up to her, ushering her to a high seat by the head of the table.

The room was filled with a bunch of men dressed in name brand, these were Directors from various sections of the company and considered the major shareholders, they all stood on their feet, only to seat after she was seated.

"Who called for an emergency shareholders meeting?!"

Red faced from running and pent up nerves, while trying to get there on time, the Zhang heiress was the embodiment of indignation.

Greedy eyes from across the round table stared back at her, until a deep baritone voice replied in an icy tone, "Actually, we are here to cast votes for your dismissal. Company stock has taken a deep hit! You don't seem to be fit enough to head Zhang Corporation!"

Everyone turned in the direction of the voice, which was none other than Zhang Tianyu, the brother of the founding president Zhang Xiangyu, father of Zhang Mi.

Shocked by the sharp turn of event, the Zhang heiress did not know what to do, staring at the faces seated across from her.

The voting took place within a blink of an eye, after the verdict was reach at the end of the count. Leaving majority votes demanding her resignation, none could meet her eyes after the decision was made.

Underneath the table her pale clasped hands shook with shock. Face completely drained of blood, her lifeless eyes stared sightlessly ahead, the voices around her faded into the background.

A satisfied smile crossed the face of Zhang Tianyu, who knew the day would come when he could easily dismiss the thorn in his side, which was none other than his very own niece Zhang Mi. His sleek dark hair gave him a somewhat oily appearance, despite putting on high end corporate black, he could not quiet measure up to the elegance of most the people seating along with him at the table.

While still in a daze, the meeting had already been dismissed by Zhang Tianyu, leaving only the Zhang heiress alone at the head of the table. After making a call to the security room to discreetly tamper with the security camera in the room. Zhang Tianyu turned to face his archrival and blood relative. As though possessed by a demon, disregarding who she was, he pulled her by the front of her cloth, dragging her forceful by its neckline towards the marble floor, he began dealt several punches that was purposely aimed at her face, try as she may, she couldn't deflect all the punches, her pale face was covered in numerous bruises with blood slowly trickling from the side of her mouth. It was when he started to heave in exhaustion did, he finally put a stop to the punches.

After sending some damaging threats her way, Zhang Tianyu strolled out of the room. Anyone that saw him walk by would never had thought him capable of doing the things he just did, for outwardly he had on a calm appearance.

Inside, the Zhang heiress was still on the floor, her messy hair formed a shroud across her heavily battered face, with eyes was full of deep torment. As though a dam of tears had been released, she continued to sob bitterly, with both hands tightly clenched by her side.