Deep end (3)

Zhou Yunxiang dark eyes widened in shock, a few of the staff that was in the background while this took place, rushed over to where the young miss was, they had on their faces a look that showed how conflicted they felt about what was taking place.

"Please Young miss, try and calm down!"

They all pleaded, hoping she would snap out of it before the situation escalated beyond what it was now.

"Where is Yang Lin?!"

Butler Hu asked to no one in particular, he was not just the Zhang heiress driver, but also functioned in the capacity as a personal aide whenever the need arose.

One of the younger maids rushed out to look for the supposed driver, leaving the rest behind to deal with the terrifying situation.

Meanwhile, Yang Lin was on the far end of the Zhang villa tending to the Zhang heiress favorite spot, which was a small sparkling clear pond filled with silver scaled Angelfish. Almost out of breath from all the running around, the maid was finally able to find him.

"Please hurry! Something has happened to the young miss!"

Abandoning what he was doing, Yang Lin rushed to where the Zhang heiress was, in his heart, he kept praying that all would be well. Try as she may, the maid could not catch up to the fleeing figure of the man, she had to give up trying to match his pace, choosing to slow down to just a walk.

The rest of the people gathered in the living room heard a crash, at first, they thought something had happened only to find out it was just Yang Lin walking in.

He saw some of the butlers and maids gather awfully close to the Zhang heiress, the way they positioned themselves was such that they stood in the middle of her and the lawyer from Zhang Cooperation.

Yang Lin covered the distance between where he was and where they stood.

"It's okay, you can all leave Young Miss Zhang to me."

Although hesitant, they all did as he asked. It was then he chose to address Zhang Mi, asking how she was and watching her face carefully for any telltale sign of wanting to act in a rash way. Usually he never got too close to the Zhang heiress unless the situation warranted it, but right now seeing her looking as though she was ready to beat the crap out of the other man, made Yang Lin place a hand on her arm. Reacting as though stung by a scorpion, the Zhang heiress tried to pull away from him.

"Get your hands off me! Who do you think you are?! Is it because I no longer hold the right to manage Zhang Corporation, that's why you are acting in such a familiar way with me?!"

About to defend his action, Yang Lin was caught off guard, when the Zhang heiress suddenly turned to him and smacked him repeatedly in the face. The lawyer from the Zhang Corporation was so rattled that his eyes began to twitch uncontrollably, not knowing what to think of the sharp turn in event that was happening right in front of him. With the little courage he had left, he spoke in a shaky voice to the both.

"I think I better... excuse myself and come... back some other time..."

It was then, Zhang Mi gained some of her senses back, glaring angrily at the lawyer, who was already on his feet about to leave the Zhang villa for good. Red marks appeared on the fair skin of Yang Lin, he carefully avoided making eye contact with her.

"If you think I'll sign over my rights! You'll have to go over my dead body to get my seal of approval!"

Although, she spoke with vigor, there was no way that Zhang Mi could back the words she said, deep in her mind, she kept considering other possibilities to tackle the difficult situation she was in, not wanting to yield to her circumstances.

In a bid to reach a compromise, the Zhang Corporation lawyer, made the decision to hand over a copy of the documents for her to go through, before proceeding to sign the original documents regarding the handing over of her executive power to the new head of Zhang Corporation.

Satisfied by the way things was turning out, Zhang Mi agreed to go with what was proposed. The lawyer reached into his briefcase to pull out the documents, directly handing it to her. Zhou Yunxiang gave a stiff curtsy before briskly walking out of the Zhang villa.

"You! I will deal with you later!"

That was the last thing Zhang Mi said, before heading back upstairs to her room with the documents in hand. Zhang Lin remained in the curtsy position, until he heard the Zhang heiress shut her door.