
There was something bothering the little girl, in school they were asked to write an essay about the favorite things they loved by their parents and draw a picture to bring to class the next day. Unfortunately, Zhang Jie never knew about her mom. Each time she voiced out the need to know, her father always shut her down by saying, "Let's talk about it, when you become of age."

Zhang Jie wasn't deaf to what the other kids in her class said about their dad and mom. To her it was only dad, he was both "mom and dad" to her. But, kids can't remain kids for forever, it wasn't long the little girl realized that her family was "different", no mom to talk about what girls her age wanted to do for fun. Plucking up the courage within her, Zhang Jie asked her father the question that was considered off limit.

" was mommy like?! Do I even have a mommy?!"

Zhang Tianyu wasn't expecting his daughter to outrightly ask him questions about the woman that bore the child he held dear to his heart. To others and even to her, he was seen as an unfeeling person, but there was no day he never thought about her and what the future would hold for their family.

At first he was surprised, because he made her promise the last time, when she was almost five years, never to bring up her mom until he was ready to talk about it, as grown up to grown up.

There was an expression of annoyance on his face, as he slowly set the fork he had in his hand to the side of his glass plate. His daughter had a stubborn look on her angelic face, the expression caught Zhang Tianyu off guard, as though he was looking at the face of Cai Peizhi , a woman from his dark murky past. Try as he may, his daughter brought forth the memory he never wanted to revisit before she was brought into the world.