Higher Power

Following the unsuccessful meeting with the Zhang heiress. Yang Lin and the hired lawyer spoke at length outside the prison walls, while waiting on the taxi to pick them from where they stood. It wasn't that Yang Lin couldn't drive the car belonging to the Zhang heiress, but that would only raise undue suspicion. Tao Jun on the other hand couldn't drive for fear of getting into an accident and being sued by the injured party. Although, it was an irrational fear to have, that was how she commuted to work and other places, either by taxi or bus when not pressed for time or low on cash.

A man who appeared to be thirty something, wearing rimmed glasses and dressed in plain clothes was the driver that picked both Yang Lin and Tao Jun. The white cab drove away from PaoYin prison, after receiving directions from the occupants, of where they would like to be dropped off.

The ride from the prison was a very tense one, so much that the driver kept casting glances at the people that sat behind his car. Neither of them spoke a word from the time he picked them from the prison till when he dropped off Yang Lin at the Zhang villa. The only time he saw them talk, was when the other man got off the car to say goodbye to the woman that accompanied him at the start of the trip.

Tao Jun was dropped off at XiyuHai firm to continue with the case she had being paid to handle. The driver gave one last look at the young woman, before pulling away from the driveway of the firm. The bill for the whole trip was fully paid for by Yang Lin in cash, this was to avoid his transaction being traced by Zhang Corporation. Leaving the change from the payment to the cab driver.


Alone in the office, not bothering to turn on the light, as evening was fast approaching. Clear agitation marked the face of the man who kept pacing up and down his office.

Suddenly, he turned to pick up the phone, while struggling to control the sense of discomfort that was beginning to creep into his heart.

He could hear the phone dialing the number that he was trying to reach, by the third ring, almost about to give up and redial the number, then came a female youthful voice came on the line.

"Good evening! ZhunanBai office, this is Han Jingfei, how may I direct your call?"

The president of Zhang Corporation felt immediate release from most of the stress that had built up from the time, he got wind that the hearing of the Zhang heiress had been moved forward.

Unconsciously taking a deep breath, Zhang Tianyu spoke to the woman on the other end of the phone, "This is Zhang Tianyu, President of Zhang Corporation can you connect me to the private line of President Qi?!"

A few seconds passed, before the voice at the other end spoke, without an iota of hesitation, as she told him of his transfer to the direct line of the most powerful man in the country, who was none other than Qi Xilai, a man whose spoken word was absolute.

The number that Zhang Tianyu dialed could only be accessible by the inner circle closest to the ruling house of the country. It was desperation that drove the President of Zhang Corporation to use whatever political ties that he had from the influential Zhang family to get what he wanted, even though it could come at a very high price.

Zhang Tianyu knew the moment he was transferred, as the voice on the other end was replaced with a dial tone, shortly followed by the connecting ringtone, seconds after this a deep masculine tone spoke over the phone.

"Qi speaking!"

On hearing the name, Zhang Tianyu warmly greeted the man on the other end, whose response was to ask him what the call was about. On hearing this, the President of Zhang Corporation felt a slicing pain at the curt tone of the man, but had to swallow his pride.

Going straight to the point, he told the President what he wanted and promised to pay back the favor that he owed. In response, he was told to be on the lookout for something "interesting", not elaborating what he meant by this, the line suddenly cut off. Zhang Tianyu reluctantly placed the phone back on his desk. On second thought, he picked it up to dial his driver to get the car ready to take him home. Unable to get over the irritation from the call, Zhang Tianyu picked the phone from his desk and threw it against the wall. Watching as the broken pieces scattered, flying in all directions.