
During the court hearing before the verdict was given on the Zhang heiress case. Judge Pan Tingzhe was a man that had powerful people behind him. His presence during the trial was to present himself in a way such that, the lawyer serving the Zhang heiress will not notice on time that he was not there to be a fair Judge nor pass the "right" judgement on the case, instead his purpose was to distract them from using the key witness "Yang Lin" to support their claim that Zhang Mi was innocent. Had the Judge not sent out Yang Lin who was willing to testify with the help of the lawyer he hired, then the Zhang heiress would have walked out a free woman.

Tao Jun, would have taken a hard stand and fought ruthlessly in court for Zhang Mi. Judge Pan Tingzhe already knew of the type of lawyer Yang Lin had with him, which was why he made a show of sending them out by claiming they would be a distraction in court, since Zhang Mi had already refused help from Yang Lin and his Lawyer twice.