
Days after the verdict for the Zhang heiress had been passed, Yang Lin went through each day feeling extremely depressed, going out each night to a bar not too far from where the Zhang villa was, drinking heavily until it was almost the next day. Each time he went out, he'll walk there and call for a cab to bring him home in his heavily intoxicated state.

The other staff looked on, as he stumbled each day through the door, bleary eyed and with the strong scent of alcohol accompanying him. They always knew the exact time he was around, as though his movements was programmed to go out at a certain time and return exactly as the previous day.

Pity marked the faces of each of them, as they watched in helplessness as Yang Lin wasted his life away.

They knew what the news said about him and the Zhang heiress, having being with the Zhang family for years, many of them found it difficult to jump ship at this point.