
Less than 48 hours ago....

The phone belonging to Yang Lin rang, with no number on display as the word "restricted" appeared on the screen. Picking up to see who it might be calling as a voice came through, "Shu, I need you to pay close attention to Young Miss Zhang."

There was no greeting whatsoever, the tone on the line had so much seriousness attached. That alone snapped Yang Lin to focus on the conversation, he knew who the voice belonged to, even if he was woken from sleep.

It was none other than Guo Ru, the man that was like a second father to him, in place of Zhang Tianyu whenever the other was not available to be by him. He was the one that taught Yang Lin the security aspect pertaining to growing up as the right hand for the Zhang household. While Zhang Tianyu gave him the necessary tools and teachings to succeed and understand the business aspect of managing a large Corporation like Zhang Corporation.

"Uncle Guo, I'm all ears. What do you have in mind?"