
After saying his piece, the President of Zhang Corporation, without so much as a backward glance at his blood relative, he briskly left with his men out of HuaQu hospital. When Zhang Tianyu and his entourage got downstairs, the rowdy reporters fought hard to get close to him, with one of them shouting above the rest, "President Zhang! How's Miss Zhang's doing?! What is her current condition?!"

As though controlled by a string, the movement of Zhang Tianyu appeared somewhat robotic, onlookers in form of patients and visitors pointed in his direction, with whispers of, "Something must have happened! Just look at him! Hmmm...what a pity!"

The ever sharp ears of the press picked up on what was said, unfazed by the snobbery of Zhang Tianyu, the reporters still persisted in their questioning, "President Zhang, Tell us what happened! Is the heiress dead?!"