Birds of a Feather(4)

"President Ruan, is there something going on at your house?"

Zhao Renjun eyes fixed on those of Ruan Kun who appeared to look somewhat unsettled from the call he just received.

"It..It's really nothing Chairman Zhao!"

The Presiden of PingAn Group had to force a smile on a face that had gone deathly pale within those few minutes of speaking to his secretary.

"I don't mean to pry, but you don't look okay. Don't you think you need to go see a doctor?"

Responding to what Zhao Renjun said, Ruan Kun hastily dismissed what the other man said with a wave of a hand.

"Chairman Zhao, I can assure you that it's within my control. My attention is needed at home, I'm sorry that we could close the agreement today, maybe some other time?"