Oh! So You Push Papers And Mails All Day Long


Wang Rui stared at the woman in surprise, as the words spilled out of his mouth.

"There is nothing impressive about him! Doesn't he have better neck tie?! Just look at those cheap haircut!"

Different things kept going through the mind of Chiang Fuli while her eyes zoomed in on what one of her employees was putting on. To the mega rich heiress, his presence was an eyesore.

On the other hand, Wang Rui was also talking in the expensive clothing that see had on, "Even if I sell all my organs, I don't think I can afford those shoes!"

On the surface, it may have looked like the simple office man stepped in because of the vulnerability he saw on Chiang Fuli, but in reality the generosity he inherited from his father was just a tool he made use of when he needed something in return. Looking back at the sadness from childhood taught him to tender help only if there was something to be derived from it.