Cross the bridge, shoot some stinking dead suckers in the head, and listen to whatever the showy guv had to say. It wasn't too much of a mindwarper, and as soon as the dark Kiandros let go of the ever so appealing temptation to take the lead himself and wipe out the whole base before waddling over to some crates to check a maniac's stash out, he didn't mind keeping his gun cold for a while. Yet the whole operation got twice as interesting when they finally let the boring bombshells be and headed upstairs, only to bump into another cheesy zombie, then allowing Kamura to show his muscles to the chick again, after which they entered a hallway that was awfully akin to Club Khuolema's entrance. It even had the bloody smears on the walls! Though instead of jittery junks jamming the good stuff into their bloodstream and ladies of pleasure sultrily showing off their flesh, a weeping figure down on the floor formed a barrier between them and the far more interesting end of the corridor. "Guess 'ey ain't all zombie-fodd'r after all-..!" Bang! A blazing shot from the one and only Dyzi-Babes bow set the whole hall ablaze, immediately causing Orin's inner Good Guy to snap and rush to the front before she could shoot again. "S-stop! Cut it out!" he yelped, his back facing the peculiar shady blob in the distance and his arms stretched out before him, as if his wild gestures would be able to stop a vicious wolf like her. "I'm not going to support the slaughtering of the innocent, okay? Just-.. ehm.. We need to use our brains in this one." His tail made resolute swish as he turned around, slowly approaching the crying creature. Orin would look over his shoulder every now and then, like the soft puppy he was."Uhm, Mister, are you okay? We're with the Empire, we mean you no harm.."