The tables had turned, and it was Zaide who appeared to blindly follow the Commander's orders, yanking out his rifle and almost shoving its barrel down the miserable stranger's snout, if it weren't for Kamura taking the lead and approaching the figure first, not looking for maintaining the peace.. or was he? Suddenly, the Darkwolf lowered his defenses and ordered the others to do the same - the blonde male, however, never even laid a finger on his own gun, as he was strictly opposed to blasting innocent, weeping wolves to bits -, and he uttered the concerning whiner's name in a way that immediately gave away more than any literal story could. Old friends, perhaps? Brothers? To the Kiandros siblings, all Darkwolves looked the same, so neither of them would've been surprised if that had been the case. But it wasn't; right after Orin's older brother let out an impatient sigh, the grayish canid on the floor leaned forward to press his muzzle against the other's, revealing yet another interesting piece of information. "Ugh," he could hear Zaide groan. Yes, they'd met a fair share of gays in their day, and so far, his half-brother's experiences with them weren't the best. The males were way too physical, according to the sinewy canine, whereas the females were outrageously hard to get - of course, after an icy cold revelation, Zaide understood why. Either way, Orin hoped his dislike for another guy's romance would not get him or the both of them into trouble; as the brown Kiandros tended to speak his mind a lot. Most of the time..

"Yea-yea, cute, y'girls.. can we get'a move on?" He truly never ceased to disappoint him. Slapping Zaide's shoulder as Orin carefully moved past him to get closer to the broken couple, he would show his teeth for a bit to express how fed up he was with his brother's rudeness, but as per usual, the guy couldn't care less. Time for him to bring the same message - that was, despite the way Zaide had put it, a very reasonable one - in a more.. civilized way. "Sorry about that, Commander," Orin said, awkwardly shrugging. "But I think my brother is kinda right, we ought to get this mister here somewhere save and then resume our operation. There are a still a lot of questions we don't have answers to.." Quite the opposite of Zaide's talking style and choice of words. More.. gentleman-like.