He wouldn't lie: he had a bad feeling about the whole operation from the start, though when a bloated, ragged monstrosity burst from the darkness and began beating up his unfortunate squad members, Orin had to admit that it was too late for that already. No use in dwelling in the past and regretting not evading that nut-headed mutt of a recruiter, as they all had a beast to finish off. Pick up your weapon, reload.. time to have some fun! Not like he was allowed to have some. "Oh, come on!" he cried out when the only two non-Kiandros on the team started bossing him around. Reluctantly, the blonde male dived past his struggling comrades, keeping his eyes on the creature that was practically shrouded in duskiness but was imposingly gross nonetheless. "Commander! Can you hear me?!" Orin's voice was easily drowned out by the noise of battle, so without awaiting any answers, he firmly grabbed the Darkwolf around his waist and helped him up, ignoring the gunfire, avoiding getting shot or bashed. Everything had turned hazy, smoky and outrageously bloody; and all of a sudden, he didn't feel too proud to be on this team anymore. They all fought like animals, enraged and uncontrolled, and it was thanks to the lack of any kind of trust in each other's capabilities that this battle was an absolute mess. Yet.. he was just a mere recruit, basically made to be thrown onto the frontline and being bossed around like a brainless toddler. So who was he, despite his skilled prowess and modesty, to complain?