Prologue: Death

Eternal Abyss one of the 3 forbidden areas.

Ultimately I was forced to escape here the only place that those hounds wouldn't follow me.

Still, I was surprised as my eyes wandered around the cold and dark passage finding not a sign of another life form.

Lying on the cold hard floor minutes away from approaching death I stared blankly into the sky void of emotion.

"Is this how it ends," I said feeling melancholic.

If I had another chance I would rather become an Asura than a Saint.

I was simply too foolish.

Suddenly the bright and warm image of my parents disappeared from my head as my heart turned cold and my eyes grew frosty.

As if answering my resolution I suddenly noticed a dark red light.

An Item?

Desperate I squeezed out the remaining strength I had into crawling towards the light.

An item located in one of the 3 forbidden areas couldn't be normal.

My movements seem to accelerate my blood loss as a trail of blood could be seen behind me.

Finally, on the verge of death's gate, I found the source of light.

It was a blood red crown.

Surrounding it were characters I couldn't recognize as I faintly heard the noise of pulsation similar to that of a heart.

I grabbed it planning to use my identification skill but as my hand came into contact with the crown the world turned black.

The next second I saw a battlefield with billions dead.

It seemed to be a battle between two armies but suddenly the army wearing red armor shouted: "Long live the Blood Monarch!"

Suddenly the entire army transformed into devil-like humans as they went on a massacre.

Screams could be heard everywhere as hundreds died in seconds.

As I calmly gazed through the battlefield I envied the sovereign that possessed such an army.

Distracted I suddenly noticed the person the devil-like soldiers referred to as the Blood Monarch was wearing the same crown I had just touched.

Coming to a sudden realization I gasped.

This has to be a memory fragment, which means that Blood Red Crown is likely a...

The highest treasure that is known to mankind.

Conflicted I felt both lucky yet misfortune.

The treasure might even allow me to soar once again but I was on the verge of death.

Sighing the scene disappeared as I was once again in the cave.

It seemed as if the scene lasted less than a second in reality as I was still equally as close to death.

Unwilling I tried to use the item identification skill but it simply said invalid.

My permission level was not enough.

Do the heavens really want me dead I thought vainly.

"A mortal...It's been a while 10,000 no 20,000 years since I've last seen a mortal."

Surprised I scanned the room searching for the source of the voice but there was nobody else.

"Human where are you looking at when the great Blood Crown one of the 5 only God-Tier treasures are talking to you."

My pupils widened as I curiously looked at the object in front of me.

"I had heard rumors but to think it really was true that high-level treasures can become sentient," I said interested.

"Keke, I thought a human would freak out more but you seem completely calm while only slightly surprised seeing me for the first time. What an interesting human."

While being complimented by a crown made me feel slightly conflicted I felt genuinely blessed to encounter such a rare treasure.

As I was having such ridiculous thoughts my consciousness was floating away.

"I would like to talk to you more but it seems as of this is the end of the line for me," I said.

"Oh? Your dantian is cracked and your roots have been crippled. Plus your lifespan is consumed and your blood energy is exhausted! What a shame you were just one step away from achieving the Immortal Realm too! Truly unfortunate!"

Surprised I asked, "Senior you're able to see that much just by looking at me."

"Haha! It's nothing much for an esteemed existence such as myself."

Smiling I felt fortunate that I at least could witness a God-level treasure before dying.

"Hmm? It would truly be a shame for the first human I've met in 20,000 years to perish just like this but even I have no methods to recover your body."

As my last hope vanished I felt deeply bitter inside.

"It's fine Senior. I've accepted my fate."

"Hmph! Hold your horses, I said I can't recover your body but that doesn't mean there aren't other ways."

Suddenly a faint feeling of hope returned gripping my heart as my eyes brightened.

"Are you serious Senior? Please don't play jokes with a man on the verge of death," I said.

"Tsk! What's this about already accepting your fate."

Excited I threw out my shame at a chance to live.

"I didn't want to worry you, Senior, I won't lie anymore I promise," I said.

"That's how it should be. Now I have one method to save you but this method is extremely burdensome for even me and can only be used once every 20,000 years."

Feeling curious I felt a burning sensation for another shot at my regret-filled life.

"Senior don't worry I'm prepared to do anything and if Senior has any wishes in exchange I'll do them," I said.

"Haha, Good boy! This senior can has a method to send your soul back to any time in which your body exists. The only thing I wish in exchange is for you to take me with you but keep in mind my partners have never faced a good fate."

T-time travel!

"...Senior you can time travel?" I asked feeling doubtful. I pushed such doubts out of my head, "Senior wouldn't lie to poor me. I'm willing to accept this exchange."

I was now seconds away from death and had no time to carefully consider whether such a thing was possible.

I was wiling to do anything for another chance.

This deal would also help reinforce my resolve as my eyes chilled even further.

This almost seems like a deal with the devil I thought.

"Good choice! To travel in time all you need to do is think about when you want to return to but try to envision it as detailedly as possible. I am one of the God Treasures forged by the ancient royal gods themselves. I am commonly known as Blood Crown but my real name is Fang Xuanyang. When you regress call my name with a drop of your blood exposed to moonlight."

Feeling death about to catch me I imagined a certain time period while remembering Fang Xuanyang's words.

Suddenly feeling nauseous a pain greater than any I had faced in the past cosnumed as I lost consciousness.