Crimson Earth

After returning home I noticed Hyebin was showing so I decided it was a good time

"It's time," I said.

I headed to the rooftop of my building and checked if anyone was there.

Noticing there were no people I cut my finger as blood started gushing out.

Then I shouted whispered to the sky "Feng XuanYang"

I felt slightly worried technically the Blood Crown was a game item and it was impossible to be summoned to the real world but traveling back in time should also have been impossible but it happened.

After waiting for 30 minutes nothing happened and I felt a bit dizzy from the blood loss.

Sighing I was about to give up when suddenly the entire sky turned red.

Gasping I looked up shocked.

An old man located in a remote mountain suddenly opened his eyes as he felt shocked while looking at the bloody sky.

Similarity ancient forgotten powers from all over the world noticed the weird phenomenon.

Suddenly a hole appeared in the blood-filled sky as an ominous object could be seen leaving.

Before any of the old monsters could make a move the object disappeared.

Suddenly I could feel something on top of my head.

"Aren't you a bit too domineering Senior," I asked as my lips twitched.

As I awaited a response I noticed Senior wasn't saying anything.

Confused I wondered why the usually boisterous Crown was so quiet but no matter how I tried to call out to him he didn't respond.

Pondering I guessed it was because he expended too much energy and was resting.

Deciding I should get back I returned home and found Hyebin lying on the couch while watching tv.

Giving her a glance I coughed realizing she was wearing almost no clothes.

"Hyebin put something on," I scolded.

"At least let me relax at home," she said pouting.

Shaking my head I returned to my room deciding to sleep early.

Worried I glanced at the ceiling.

Summoning senior had drawn a lot of attention and those old monsters should have noticed that it was focused around Korea.

Right now he was only worried about those old men as a great majority of the military were still ignorant.

While those at the top were too focused on Noah's Ark to pay attention to other things.

"They might send someone to investigate though," I thought.

Suddenly feeling drowsy I slowly started falling asleep.

In a mysterious mountain surrounded by fog.

"Master your disciple has come to ask a question," Min Soo said.

"I thought I told you not to come here until you graduated Kang Soo," a deep voice resounded.

Respect and admiration filled his eyes as the figure of a seemingly ordinary old man with a cane appeared.

"Master I apologize but there is a question I need to be answered no matter what," Min Soo said.

The mysterious old man stayed quiet for a few seconds before responding.

"Tell me what you need to ask briefly there have been some developments so I am busy."

Sighing in relief Min Soo obeyed by being brief.

"Master is the Earth truly dying and has the government launched a plan to migrate called Noah's Ark?" Min Soo asked.

The old man's usually calm eyes suddenly shook.

"Where did you hear that!"

Hearing his usually indifferent and calm master yelling made Min Soo became slightly afraid but what scared him, even more, is that his master's reaction likely confirmed Kang Soo's words.

"Master a classmate of mine's named Kang Soo told me this other than I really know nothing more."

Hearing his disciples words the old man calmed down as he tried to think about how such important intel was leaked.

Everyone at that meeting was sworn to an oath of secrecy with extremely harsh consequences.

He highly doubted anyone revealed anything then why? The man's eyes grew lost as he muttered "Kang Soo".

Suddenly he thought of the ominous red sky.

"Master you still haven't answered my question," Min Soo asked.

Sighing the old man turned his back while facing the sky.

"Master can't say anything because of a certain oath but I will warn you to be careful of that Kang Soo try to investigate him if possible."

The old man wanted to investigate this man if possible but he was too busy with preparation.

His body slowly disappeared as suddenly only Min Soo was left alone with eyes full of disbelief.

As the morning sun rose did Kang Soo woke up.

Feeling something strange he opened his blanket and found Hyebin sleeping.

This girl, feeling helpless I put the blanket back on her as I got ready to leave the house.

Today was the day that the beta for Crimson World is released.

Its various trailers had already captured the world through its extremely realistic graphics system and revolutionary content.

Various experts across the world have estimated that it's technology is centuries ahead of the current era.

The company responsible for creating the game was had also came out of nowhere but as various media outlets tried to find out more their attempts landed in vain.

Some people speculated this was all fake as anyone would technology suddenly advancing hundreds of years was unbelievable.

Regardless people all over the world were dying to get the beta version for this game.

Strangely though the company hadn't released the method in obtaining the game.

The company responded to public curiosity with a simple "find it".

In my past life, I was unable to obtain the beta but this life would be different.

I knew where one beta copy was located in Korea through rumors in my previous life.

I took the bus heading to Gangnam the capital city of Korea.

Meanwhile, Min Soo was following Kang Soo from far away as he could detect him when too close.

"He's heading to Gangnam," Min Soo muttered before continuing to trail Kang Soo.

Due to his cautious approach, even Kang Soo couldn't detect him but regardless he knew he was being followed.

Still, he paid it no regard.

Soon he arrived at his intended destination.

"An arcade..." Min Soo said. "He has the leisure to play games when the world is about to end."

Conflicted Min Soo didn't know if he should praise such bravery or simply deem him as simple-minded.