
Author: Make sure to read the author note important questions for the future of this story.


It's been two years since Kasaki met Hinata. After the first meeting, Yūgao and Kurenai had them meet each other every day in hope of them becoming friends. It worked as both became friends over time after. This was bound to happen as both of them didn't know anyone else their age. However, their relationship crossed new high after leaning the other's story.

Kasaki learned that Hinata was once the heiress of a distinguished clan of Konoha, the Hyūga clan. She was just like him she had lost her mother. Her mother was pregnant and while giving birth both the baby and the mother didn't make it through. Hinata was devastated by her death and she stopped going out and training. Half a year later, she was invoked by the elders and they revoked her status because they said she was weak like her mother and they didn't need a weak Hyūga. Learning this, Kasaki was mad. He couldn't understand how in the world can somebody do that someone who had lost her mother like him. Hinata calmed him down by mentioning they maybe could have never met without this and now that Kurenai had adopted her she felt better than she ever had in her clan.

Hearing this Kasaki told her his story. After that moment both of them became closer than ever since they understand the pain of losing their mother.

Kasaki also passed a lot of time with Yūgao and Hayate. He became closer to both of them and he started considering them as his parents.

Kasaki also learned from Yūgao that his late mother had made a deal with the Hokage to become a citizen. He knew he had to train to become stronger, he needed to restart training kenjustsu but this was really difficult for him as it was something he did with the late Aiko. However, he didn't want Yūgao to lose him, the one she now considers her son, and most of all he didn't want Hinata to experience again the pain of losing someone precious. Without his mother, he couldn't continue to train the Tōjin style however while searching through the what his mother left him he found the complete series of books written by his late mother containing everything he needed to train the style further along with a complete training programme for the next few years. His mother had written those book in the eventuality that she didn't come back from a mission.


Today, both Hinata and Kasaki were nervous. This is the day they are going to become students at the academy.

In front of the gate to the academy Hinata with a small blush said to Kasaki.

Hinata - Kasaki-kun, I hope w...w...we are in the same c...c...class.

Since Hinata became friends with Kasaki she started to gain more confidence in herself so her stuttering became less frequent.

Kasaki - I hope so, I don't know what I'm going to do without you.

Hinata - Dddd...ddo... yyou... m...mmmean

Hinata said with a large blush, as she reverted to her stuttering way.

Kasaki - Yes obviously!

Yūgao - Oh! my handsome little boy is already picking girls.

Kurenai - "giggle" Yūgao we may become grandmother faster than planned.

Yūgao - Yes, they grow up so fast.

Kurenai and Yūgao teasing voice came from behind them.

This caused Kasaki to blush. Looking at Hinata he saw her drop to the ground. Fortunately, he caught her before she could touch the ground.

Kasaki turned his head to the back still blushing to look at the culprit of his embarrassment. He wanted to say something but he was interrupted before he could.

Yūgao - Come on go in, school is starting soon.

She said while kissing his forehead.

Kurenai - Yes and take care of Hinata till she wakes up.

Yūgao and Kurenai - Have a nice day sweety.

Kasaki entered the academy while carrying the unconscious Hinata on his back. The first thing he saw was a big crowd of children his age chatting in front of a stage. Seeing this he took place with them. A few minutes later after, Hinata, now woke up stood next to him, and Kasaki where listening to the Hokage giving a speech about the will of fire. Once it was done they were assigned a class and they were in the same class. Which made them really happy.

Their first day went on and nothing worth talking happened. Their class was full of heir and heiress so their class was especially lively but there was one blond and orange clad that really stood out from the rest.