100 Collection BONUS: Yuewei

As Suyin and Areum made their grand exit from the city of Yuewei, the air seemed to shimmer with anticipation, as if even the very breeze whispered tales of their daring escapade.

Suyin, astride a magnificent white horse with her ebony hair elegantly coiled atop her head, exuded an aura of regal authority that commanded the attention of all who beheld her.

A golden hairpin adorned her tresses, a symbol of her feigned princely status, while a mischievous glint danced in her eyes, betraying the playful deception she had woven around her identity. Draped in a resplendent robe of shimmering golden silk, she cut a striking figure against the backdrop of the city's bustling streets, her presence casting an illusion of celestial divinity upon the unsuspecting populace as Qin Fuhua.

Beside her, Areum rode upon a steed as dark as the midnight sky, its glossy coat gleaming in the radiant light of the sun. With a sword strapped to her side and a demeanor of unyielding confidence, she embodied the essence of masculine bravado, her features twisted into a mask of haughty arrogance befitting her fabricated role as Prince Fuhua's loyal companion, Weizhe.

As they approached the city gates, their departure was met with a display of deference from the general guards stationed there, who knelt before them in a show of respect befitting their assumed identities.

"Your Highness! Prince Fuhua!" the guards exclaimed in unison, their voices tinged with reverence.

"MUAHAHA! Did you truly believe you could escape unscathed?" Suyin cackled with theatrical villainy, brandishing the jade of the dragon before their startled faces.

The gleaming artifact cast a dazzling light that forced the guards to shield their eyes, their expressions contorted in fear at the sight of the sacred relic in her possession.

"No... please!" one of the guards pleaded, his voice trembling with dread as Suyin thrust the jade before him, her threat hanging heavy in the air like a guillotine poised to strike.

"Qin Fuhua will mete out punishment as he sees fit. Dare you defy his will by laying hands on this precious artifact?" she taunted, her tone laced with menace as she loomed over the quivering men.

However, their dramatic performance was abruptly interrupted by the unexpected arrival of a familiar figure. Qin Fuhua himself materialized before them, his expression a mask of icy disapproval as he surveyed the scene unfolding before him.

"Suyin," he uttered her true name with a cold disdain, his eyes boring into hers with a piercing intensity that sent a shiver down her spine.

"What are you doing?"

Caught off guard by his sudden appearance and sharp scrutiny, Suyin faltered, hastily concealing the jade of the dragon behind her back as if caught in the act of a mischievous prank.

"How did you know it was me?" she demanded, a mixture of frustration and embarrassment coloring her tone.

Qin Fuhua's response was as cutting as a winter gale, his words piercing her with the precision of a well-aimed arrow.

"Because, Suyin, I was the one who entrusted you with that jade of the dragon," he retorted with a roll of his eyes, his annoyance palpable in the air between them. "Only an idiot would attempt such a transparent charade in my presence."