900 COLLECTION BONUS: Midnight Snack

Zhaohui and Suyin lay nestled in the shelter of the cave, their bodies cocooned in the embrace of slumber on opposite sides.

But while Zhaohui drifted into the depths of sleep with ease, Suyin found herself tossing and turning, her stomach gnawing at her with relentless hunger. "Damn it," Suyin muttered under her breath, her fingers clutching at her protesting stomach as it growled loudly in the confines of the cave.

Zhaohui's reassurances about harmless bats did little to soothe her discomfort, the echoing sounds of her hunger drowning out any semblance of peace or rest. As Zhaohui settled into sleep, oblivious to Suyin's inner turmoil, she made a silent decision to alleviate her hunger pangs without disturbing her slumbering companion. With careful precision, she rose from her makeshift bed, her movements slow and deliberate as she tiptoed towards the dying embers of the fire pit. The remaining coals glowed with a faint warmth, casting a soft glow upon the cavern walls. And there, nestled at the edge of the fire, lay an untouched cooked fish, its scales shimmering in the dim light like a beacon of hope amidst the darkness. "Sorry, I owe you a cooked fish next time," Suyin whispered, her gratitude palpable as she offered a silent apology to Zhaohui before devouring the fish with ravenous hunger.

With each bite, she could feel the warmth spreading through her body, chasing away the chill of the night and easing the ache of her empty stomach. Unbeknownst to her, Zhaohui's eyes flickered open at the sound of her hushed movements, a mischievous smile dancing upon his lips as he watched her from the shadows.

It was then that he revealed the truth behind the untouched fish—a silent gesture of kindness that spoke volumes amidst the chaos of their shared journey. For when Zhaohui had ventured outside while Suyin lay unconscious, it was not to escape her suspicions but rather to procure food for them both.

And though her skepticism had led her to leave the fish untouched, he had resolved to keep it at her side, knowing that if she didn't finish it now, he would pack it for her to eat the next day.