Calm before a storm

Suyin was walking down to the city, trying to remember where Wansun had lived. She was there a couple of times before when Wansun was kind enough to allow her to read medical literature that was passed on from Wansun's family. Still, it doesn't mean that she knew her way along here.

Suyin had realized that she was either always in carriages or somewhere that she couldn't see, so it would be pretty hard to even encounter Wansun somewhere out in the middle of the city like this. She knew that Wansun had to be an important figure or at least a person around here because of all of the medicine that he had with him.

With a family background in medicine and a large, vast variety of them, Suyin knew that he would be the best bet at learning medicine, for now at least. People were walking together in crowds, walking past various shops and stalls while Suyin had remembered about the bag of coins that Qin Fuhua had tossed to her. She had forgotten about it all along, but thanks to Areum, she had packed it in her little backpack bag made out of simple light-brown cotton. Maybe Suyin can look at it later when she is out resting somewhere so that she can know how much she can spend on food or have somewhere safe to stay instead of resting outside.

With a carefree spirit, Suyin happily walked around, looking at various items she had never seen before. Jades were lined up in a stall with different types of colors that swirled together to make a piece of beautiful jewelry. Suyin was never the type to like jewelry, but the designs that laid in front of her caught her eye. Suyin had lowered to look at the little Chinese calligraphy on top of a certain jade with the words, "Jade of the Dragon."

Suyin chuckled at it because it was fake. Why would someone sell something like that anyway? She laughed it off, hopping off to look around some more before she left.


Throughout the day, Suyin couldn't remember where in the world Wansun had lived, causing her to be troubled because she didn't want to waste her free time playing where's Wansun (Note: a play of words from Where's Waldo, a game where you have to find a certain person in this huge mess of things). It was already getting dark and Suyin had no choice but to find an inn to reside in. She couldn't turn back to go back to the manor now, especially because she knew that Qin Fuhua will think she is hopeless since she doesn't know where to go to find her friend's home.

Sitting in her room, Suyin opened the doors to look at the moon that stared directly down back at her. Sighing because of how beautiful it looked, she leaned by the windows, feeling a cool breeze fly by her. In this life and era, she never really got a break to take a breather at all! She had just realized that with all of the things happening back to back, Suyin was always in the center of the trouble.

It felt like seconds, but by the time that Suyin was able to rest her mind, she had slowly fallen asleep by the window.

A tall, silhouette had been standing at the top of the rooftop on the other side of Suyin's window, staring at her as she had fallen asleep. The Prince's cloak danced along with the breeze as he carefully and quietly flew in through the windows to enter the same room as Suyin.

He carefully carried her to the bed, pulling up the bedsheets to cover her. Qin Fuhua sat next to her on the bed, watching her sleep soundly. The Prince had been working on his assignments but couldn't help when he saw her at the windows. The Magnolia scent that would never go away from her was like a haunting dream to Qin Fuhua because he could always somehow find her that way.

He brushed her hair, tucking it behind her ears as he stood up to leave the room, making sure that the doors and windows were closed tightly before he left.


"The Prince has entered the inn!" A loud commotion had wakened Suyin up, jumping up in the bed. Wait. How was she in the bed? The last thing she had remembered was staring at the moon from the windows.

Although Suyin didn't remember what happened last night or how she got to bed, she had a really good sleep. It's been a long time since Suyin was able to sleep comfortably like that in a while. Carefully, Suyin fixed her hair and slowly slid the door to take a peek at what was going on.

"Hurry, the Prince of Qin has arrived in the inn! Everyone get everything for the Prince as needed!" another one cried out, rushing down the stairs.

"The Prince of Qin? Is he here?" Suyin asked herself. She found it odd that the Prince of Qin appeared in the same inn, asking for some grand entrance which was unusual of him to do. To get a better look at things, Suyin decided to take a glance down the ground level from where she was at within the chaos of the workers running back and forth to serve the "Prince of Qin."

Suyin peered closer, squinting to look at this so-called Prince of Qin as she widened her eyes. He did not look like Qin Fuhua! What was this person doing?

Everyone scattered to bring the man a table filled with various food. Appetizers, dishes, to all types of desserts laid in front of the man. Another person was with him which was not Weizhe nor Zhaoyun, so it was nearly impossible that this person was a Qin Fuhua! How dare they! If Suyin was able to just go down there and tell them that he wasn't the Prince, they wouldn't believe her words.

From the way of how nervous the workers had appeared, she knew that it wasn't a great thing to do. She had learned her lesson from the previous incident knew that this outcome wouldn't be so great, so she decided to observe what was going on.

"The Prince of Qin is requesting for more wine!" The servants called out.

"Hurry and bring it out!" The man commanded, angrily drinking the wine as he began eating.

One of the servants had a tray with the wine in the middle. As the servant nervously tried to pour more wine into the man's teacup, his anxiety caused him to drop the whole tray, causing the man to hit the table, standing up.

"Don't make me take out the Jade of the Dragon!" The man yelled out, taking out a light-green jade. Still watching from afar, Suyin had noticed that the color was lighter than the real one, but was this what people do to abuse the power of the Prince? This wasn't Qin Fuhua and she knew that he was impersonating him!

Furious, Suyin decided maybe it was time for her to show up and ask him a couple of questions herself. Although she knew that this might cause her trouble, she knew that she had to defend Qin Fuhua at least.

"Take it out then!" Suyin yelled down to the first floor. Everyone was startled at Suyin's rash actions. The man who was impersonating the Prince was also taken aback at what she had said. Suyin hurried down the stairs and headed to the so-called "Prince's" table glaring at him.

"You are not the Prince of Qin." Suyin began to interrogate. The man was a bit nervous, looking around at the servants, but then pumped up his chest.

"Yes. I am the Prince of Qin." He then shoved the Jade of the Dragon in front of Suyin's face as if it was a curse. "Do you not see this?! Be afraid to die under circumstances when you face the wrath of the dragon!"

Was the man serious? Even if Suyin didn't know what the jade of the dragon did, she would believe that this person was crazy. Suyin rolled her eyes, snatching the jade from the Prince to take a closer look.

"Oh really? What does it do?" She questioned, staring at the jade as if she didn't know.

The man laughed, pointing at her. "Look at her! She will face all misfortune!" The servants and workers in the inn became paranoid.

"M-Miss. Please pack up your belongings and leave. We do not want any misfortune to occur here." The owner begged, covering himself with his hands as if Suyin was going to hurt him.

"What are you talking about? This isn't even real--"

A sword was quickly pointed at Suyin by the soldier next to the mysterious man but he lifted his hand up to stop him.

"Please, I'm begging you to leave.." The owner begged, handing Suyin back her money that was paid for the stay overnight. Suyin could only roll her eyes but then nodded.

Before leaving the impersonator, she threw the jade back at him. "Don't you dare ever do that again," Suyin warned, glaring at the man. Although she was throwing empty threats, the man didn't flinch at all. With no choice but to leave the inn, Suyin had been irritated at this event. How could anyone ever fall for such a stupid trick? Have they never seen Qin Fuhua in real life or something?!


As Suyin made her way through the bustling streets of the city, her thoughts drifted back to her previous visits to Wansun's home, where she had eagerly immersed herself in the wealth of medical knowledge contained within his family's collection of literature.

Though she traversed the familiar thoroughfares with uncertainty, her determination to locate Wansun's residence remained unwavering.

Despite her family's esteemed background in medicine, Suyin recognized the invaluable expertise that Wansun possessed, making him an indispensable mentor in her quest for knowledge.

The vibrant tapestry of the city unfolded before her, its streets teeming with life and possibility, each passerby a fleeting glimpse into the intricate web of existence.

Lost in contemplation, Suyin suddenly remembered the bag of coins that Qin Fuhua had tossed to her, a forgotten treasure tucked away in the depths of her simple cotton backpack.

With a sense of gratitude, she resolved to inspect its contents later, acknowledging its potential to provide her with sustenance and shelter in the unfamiliar surroundings of the city.

With a carefree spirit, Suyin allowed herself to be swept up in the rhythm of the city, her eyes alight with curiosity as she perused the eclectic array of goods on display.

A stall adorned with an assortment of jade ornaments caught her attention, their iridescent hues casting a mesmerizing glow in the sunlight.

Among the treasures, Suyin's gaze lingered on a particular piece adorned with the elegant strokes of Chinese calligraphy, its inscription declaring it the

"Jade of the Dragon."

Despite the allure of its craftsmanship, Suyin couldn't help but chuckle at the notion, recognizing the artifice of such claims.

"Why would someone sell something like that anyway?" she mused aloud, her laughter mingling with the ambient hum of the bustling marketplace. With a shake of her head, Suyin continued on her journey, her heart light with the promise of discovery that lay just beyond the horizon.


As the day wore on and the shadows lengthened, Suyin's frustration grew, and her efforts to locate Wansun's home were thwarted at every turn.

The encroaching darkness cast a pall over her spirits, her resolve faltering in the face of uncertainty.

Reluctantly, she seekedrefuge in an inn for the night, her mind fraught with worry over the implications of her perceived failure upon finding Wansun's home.

Seated in the solitude of her room, Suyin gazed out at the moonlit sky, its ethereal glow a balm to her troubled soul. With a sigh of resignation, she leaned against the windowsill, the cool night air brushing gently against her skin.

In the midst of life's tumultuous currents, she found herself yearning for a moment of peace, a chance to catch her breath amidst the chaos that surrounded her.

In the quiet of the night, Suyin's eyelids grew heavy, fatigue finally claiming her weary form. Slowly, almost imperceptibly, she succumbed to the embrace of sleep, her troubled thoughts fading into the darkness.

Unbeknownst to her, a figure loomed in the shadows, its presence a silent sentinel amidst the night.

Qin Fuhua, his cloak billowing in the breeze, watched over Suyin from the rooftop, his gaze filled with a mixture of concern and admiration. Unable to resist the pull of her presence, he descended with grace slipping silently through the window into her room.

With gentle hands, Qin Fuhua lifted Suyin's sleeping form, cradling her with a tenderness born of unspoken affection. He laid her gently upon the bed, tucking the blankets around her as though shielding her from the trials of the world.

Seated beside her, Qin Fuhua watched over her slumbering figure, his heart heavy with a longing he dared not name.

As he brushed a stray lock of hair from her peaceful face, he felt a pang of regret for the distance that still lay between them.

With a final, lingering gaze, Qin Fuhua rose from the bedside, a silent guardian in the night. Closing the windows and doors with a careful hand, he ensured her safety before slipping away into the darkness, his thoughts consumed by Suyin who had captured his interest.


As Suyin stirred from her slumber, she was abruptly jolted awake by a cacophony of voices echoing through the inn, causing her to bolt upright in bed.

Confusion clouded her mind as she surveyed her surroundings.

How had she ended up here, nestled in the comfort of her bed, when the last trace of memory she held was of gazing pensively at the moonlit sky through her window?

Despite the fog of uncertainty shrouding her recollection of the previous night, one thing was undeniable — she had experienced a restful slumber, a rare luxury in recent times.

With delicate fingers, Suyin smoothed her disheveled hair, her movements slow and deliberate as she approached the door, curiosity driving her to investigate the source of the commotion outside.

"The Prince of Qin has graced us with his presence!" The proclamation reverberated through the inn, prompting a flurry of activity among the staff, who scurried about in a frenzy of preparation.

"The Prince of Qin?" Suyin murmured to herself, a note of disbelief tingeing her voice.

It seemed unbelievable that Qin Fuhua would make an appearance at this humble establishment, let alone demand such grand treatment.

Peering through a crack in the door, she sought to catch a glimpse of the purported royal visitor amidst the chaotic bustle below. Straining her eyes, she scrutinized the figure at the center of attention, her brow furrowing in confusion. This man bore no resemblance to Qin Fuhua, the Prince of Qin.

Bewilderment gripped her as she observed the lavish spread laid out before him, a feast fit for royalty. Yet, the presence of an unfamiliar companion by his side only served to deepen her skepticism.

From the way the workers fidgeted and darted nervous glances, Suyin knew it was unwise to confront the impostor directly.

Her previous missteps had taught her the value of patience and observation. She decided to remain hidden, her eyes fixed on the unfolding spectacle below.

"The Prince of Qin is requesting more wine!" a servant called out in a strained voice, echoing through the inn.

"Hurry and bring it out!" The man barked, his voice dripping with arrogance as he gulped down the wine and tore into the food laid before him.

One trembling servant approached a tray bearing a decanter of wine balanced precariously in his hands. His nerves betrayed him, and with a clatter, the tray slipped, the wine spilling across the table. The man sprang up, his face contorted with rage.

"Don't make me take out the Jade of the Dragon!" he roared, brandishing a light-green jade of the dragon.

From her vantage point, Suyin noted the jade's hue was paler than the genuine article, a clear sign of its counterfeit nature.

Was this how people abused the power of the Prince? This man was a fraud, and Suyin knew she had to act.

Determined, she pushed aside her fears.

Maybe it was time to confront this pretender. Though it could bring trouble, she had to defend Qin Fuhua's honor.

"Take it out then!" Suyin's voice rang out, startling everyone on the first floor. The room fell silent as all eyes turned to her.

The impostor faltered, surprise flickering in his eyes before he puffed up his chest once more.

"You are not the Prince of Qin," Suyin declared, her tone sharp and unwavering. The man glanced nervously at the gathered servants but quickly regained his composure.

"Yes, I am the Prince of Qin," he asserted, thrusting the jade into her face as if it held some mystical power. "Do you not see this? Be afraid to die under the wrath of the dragon!"

Was the man serious? Even if Suyin didn't know the jade's exact powers, she could see through his bluster. With a dismissive roll of her eyes, she snatched the jade from his hand to examine it more closely. The jade felt lighter than it should, its color all wrong — confirming her suspicion. The man was a fake, and his act needed to be exposed.

"Oh really? What does it do?" Suyin asked, her voice dripping with sarcasm as she held the jade, feigning ignorance.

The man laughed, a cruel sound that sent shivers down the spines of the onlookers. "Look at her! She will face all misfortune!" he proclaimed, pointing a finger at her.

The servants and workers exchanged anxious glances, their fear palpable.

"M-Miss, please pack up your belongings and leave. We do not want any misfortune to occur here," the innkeeper pleaded, his hands trembling as he shielded himself as if expecting Suyin to unleash some dire curse.

"What are you talking about? This isn't even real—" Suyin began, her frustration mounting.

Before she could finish, a sword was thrust towards her, the blade mere inches from her face. The soldier beside the impostor held it steady, his eyes cold. The impostor raised a hand, halting the soldier's advance.

"Please, I'm begging you to leave," the innkeeper implored, pressing a handful of coins into her palm. "Take back your money. Just go."

Suyin rolled her eyes, exasperated by the absurdity of the situation.

She pocketed the money, her gaze never leaving the impostor. With a flick of her wrist, she tossed the jade back at him.

"Don't you dare ever do that again," she warned, her voice icy. Though her threat was empty, she hoped it conveyed her contempt.

The man caught the jade effortlessly, a smirk playing on his lips.

He didn't flinch, his confidence unshaken. With no choice but to comply, Suyin turned on her heel and exited the inn, her heart pounding with frustration.

How could anyone be so gullible as to fall for such a transparent ruse? Had they never laid eyes on Qin Fuhua himself?

As she stepped out into the bustling street, Suyin couldn't shake her irritation. The audacity of the impostor and the blind fear of the inn's occupants gnawed at her.


"My lord," the soldier murmured, bowing his head respectfully next to the impostor.

"No, it's fine," the impostor replied, waving a dismissive hand. His expression twisted into a frown, deep lines marring his otherwise calm facade.

"We need to do a couple of things before finding out why this girl knows about the jade."

He stared at the door through which Suyin had just exited, his mind churning with questions and strategies.

Who was this girl who dared challenge him? How did she recognize the jade's inauthenticity so quickly? His eyes narrowed, and he clenched his jaw.