BONUS STORY: The Night of Pain

[Qin Fuhua's POV]

In the shadowed alleys of the town, Qin Fuhua moved with a silent grace, his every step calculated and purposeful. The weight of his mission bore down upon him like a burden, driving him forward with a sense of urgency that brooked no delay.

Five slashes. The thought echoed in his mind like a grim refrain, a reminder of the suffering inflicted upon Han Suyin—a suffering he was determined to end.

With a grim resolve, Qin Fuhua had hastily retreated to her home, shedding the trappings of his identity with practiced ease.

In moments, he emerged once more, clad in garments that concealed his true nature, he was waiting to intervene.

Weizheventured forth in search of answers to the location of the 100-year-old Hong Teng, in case it was located in the Long territory.

For now, Qin Fuhua's focus remained on Han Suyin, his heart heavy with the weight of her suffering.

Listening to the echoes of the whip's cruel symphony, Qin Fuhua's jaw clenched with restrained fury. Each crack served as pain flinched onto him.

The conversation that reached his ears only served to deepen his resolve, casting light upon the shadows of Han Suyin's escape.

It was clear now why she had fled, why she had sought refuge in the anonymity of the streets. Yet, as he stood poised on the rooftop, Qin Fuhua grappled with the weight of his next move.

To reveal himself now would be a risk too great to bear. Her father's ties to the King rendered any action dangerous, threatening to unravel the delicate balance of power upon which their plans hinged.

Descending with a silent grace, Qin Fuhua traced the path of Han Suyin's tears, his mind racing with possibilities. This town, with its dark underbelly of pain and suffering, held no place for one as spirited as she. And so, with a quiet determination, he formulated a plan—a plan to offer her salvation from the shackles of her torment.

"Give this to her later,"

An older lady uttered. The maid bowed her head, as she tried calling Suyin from outside of her chambers.

As the maid was pushed away, Qin Fuhua set his course for her room, his heart heavy. He had come here to save her, to offer her a chance at freedom amidst the darkness that threatened to consume her.


The morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow within Han Suyin's chamber.

Qin Fuhua stirred from his slumber, the remnants of sleep clinging to his senses as he blinked away the drowsiness. His gaze drifted to the figure lying before him, her form shrouded in the delicate embrace of sleep.

Yet, as he shifted his attention to the surroundings, a chill permeated the air, wrapping its icy tendrils around the room with a relentless grip. Qin Fuhua's cold breath hung before him, a tangible testament to the cold that had settled within the bedroom.

A shiver danced down his spine, prompting him to rub his arms briskly in a futile attempt to stave off the biting cold.

Qin Fuhua turned to Han Suyin, whose back was still exposed bare.

Qin Fuhua draped his outer robe over Suyin's slumbering form to shield her from the harshness of the coldness of the morning.

The whispered confessions of Suyin's parents, their voices heavy with the weight of desperation, had pierced the veil of secrecy surrounding her fate. An arranged marriage for financial gain—a fate she did not deserve.

In the midst of this revelation, a spark ignited within Qin Fuhua's heart. Perhaps, he mused, this was the perfect moment to forge a path towards freedom to snatch Suyin away from the oppression she's had to delt with from her family.

Maybe it was the perfect time for him to come back later to plan to ask for her hand in marriage so she would get out of this hellhole.