
A voice pierced through the darkness, reaching her with a familiarity that sent a shiver down her spine.

"Han Suyin..."

The voice, weathered by time and life's trials, carried a weight that resonated deep within her soul. It was the voice of an elder, tinged with wisdom earned through decades of existence. Yet, there was a gentle undertone, a reassurance that brushed against her consciousness like a soft whisper on the breeze.

"How much you've matured..."

Those simple words hung in the air, pregnant with meaning and nostalgia. They wove through her thoughts like delicate threads, pulling her back to memories long buried beneath the layers of time.



The voice came as a gentle beckoning, pulling her from the depths of slumber. Suyin stirred, her consciousness swimming to the surface as she felt the persistent shake of someone grasping her shoulders.

With a reluctant sigh, she reluctantly opened her eyes, blinking away the remnants of her dreams.

The world around her slowly came into focus, and Suyin found herself gazing up at the anxious face of Wu Fei, the child's eyes wide with concern.

It took a moment for reality to sink in, for Suyin to discern whether the voice that had roused her was merely a figment of her imagination or a whisper from the waking world.

"You were in such a deep sleep, that you couldn't even hear me," Wu Fei uttered, her tone laced with unease as she exhaled a breath of relief.

Suyin's brows furrowed slightly, her mind still caught in the hazy limbo between sleep and wakefulness. "I called your name but you didn't even wake up, were you too tired last night?" Wu Fei inquired, her words punctuated by a hint of worry.

"Probably... Maybe I didn't get enough rest," Suyin mumbled, her thoughts trailing off momentarily before snapping back to attention.

A flicker of realization crossed her features, her eyes widening in sudden comprehension. "Did she... mean in 'another' way?!" The implications of Wu Fei's concern dawned on her, sending a flush of embarrassment creeping up her cheeks.

Wu Fei's giggle broke through the tension, the sound light and airy despite the weight of the topic at hand.

"Sorry, I know I shouldn't ask too much but I was a bit worried about you two. I didn't mean to intrude, your husband nearly caught me," she confessed with a sheepish grin, her eyes darting around.

"Mister Tienzhen ordered me to keep an eye on you while he took a bath. Although... it's been a couple of hours since he's been gone..."

Wu Fei's words trailed off, her brow furrowing in concern as she glanced toward the window. Suyin followed her gaze, her heart skipping a beat as she realized just how much time had slipped away while she was lost in slumber.

"Did I sleep that long?!" The realization hit her like a bucket of cold water, jolting her into action as she scrambled out of bed, her movements frantic as she hastily straightened her disheveled appearance.

Wu Fei nodded in confirmation, her own urgency matching Suyin's as they hurried through the corridors of the Yi Manor, the echoes of their footsteps blending with the pulse of Suyin's racing heart.


The absence of Qin Fuhua did little to dampen her spirits; if anything, it provided a welcome respite from the complicated emotions when he was present.

With each passing moment, Suyin felt the weight of her parents' expectations lift from her shoulders, replaced by a sense of freedom that was as exhilarating as it was liberating.

As she made her way towards the grand entrance, the maids bowed respectfully in her presence, their gestures a silent acknowledgment of her newfound title as the Wife. Among them, Wu Fei scurried to keep pace with Suyin, her small stature a stark contrast to the elegant grace of her mistress.

"W-Where are you going?" Wu Fei's voice rang out, a note of curiosity lacing her words as they reached the imposing gates of the manor.

"I needed to grab some ingredients at the market today, would you like to come?"

Suyin turned towards Wu Fei, her expression warm and inviting as she held up the empty wooden basket in her hand. The morning sun cast a golden glow upon her features, illuminating her smile with a radiant light that mirrored the newfound sense of freedom bubbling within her.

Wu Fei's eyes widened in delight at the invitation, her own smile mirroring Suyin's as she nodded eagerly. "Yes, yes, I would love to come!" she exclaimed, her enthusiasm infectious as she bounced on the balls of her feet.


The market buzzed with activity, a vibrant tapestry of sights and sounds that enveloped Han Suyin as she navigated the maze of vendors and shoppers. Stalls lined the narrow lanes, each overflowing with an array of goods, from colorful fabrics to exotic spices, their merchants calling out in a melodic chorus of persuasion. Wu Fei trailed dutifully behind Suyin, her small frame weaving through the crowds of people with practiced ease. But as the crowd surged forward, a sudden push from the press of bodies sent Suyin out of sight, lost amidst the sea of faces.

Suyin's heart leaped into her throat as she scanned the bustling marketplace, her voice echoing against the clamor as she called out for her young companion. "Wu Fei!" she cried, her desperation palpable as she searched for any sign of the girl amidst the chaos.

But the crowd seemed to swallow her words, muffling her cries as she strained to catch even a glimpse of Wu Fei's familiar form. Panic gnawed at the edges of her mind, threatening to consume her with its icy grip.

It was then that she felt a presence beside her, a voice cutting through the tumult with an eerie clarity that sent shivers down her spine.

Turning, she found herself face to face with a hooded figure, their gaze piercing and inscrutable as they spoke in cryptic riddles.

"There's a mysterious ambiance that hangs around you. Flowers can bloom in the dark," the merchant intoned, his laughter ringing hollow in the crowded marketplace.

Suyin's unease grew with each passing moment, her instincts urging her to flee from the unsettling encounter.

Stepping back cautiously, she tore her gaze away from the merchant, her mind racing as she sought to escape the strange aura that seemed to cling to him like a shadow.

With a quickened pace, she retraced her steps through the maze of stalls, her heart pounding in her chest as she frantically searched for Wu Fei. And then, just as despair threatened to consume her, she spotted the girl on the other side of the road, waving desperately for her attention.

"There you are!" Suyin exclaimed, relief flooding her senses as she darted across the bustling thoroughfare, heedless of the danger that lurked amidst the chaos.

But before she could reach Wu Fei's side, disaster struck in the form of a dark figure on horseback, hurtling towards her with deadly intent.

The impact sent Suyin sprawling, her world spinning as she collided with a stack of wooden barrels, darkness descending like a heavy shroud over her senses.


As people began to crowd around Suyin, Wu Fei's anxiety surged. She understood the urgency of the situation. With every passing moment, Suyin's safety hung in the balance, and Wu Fei knew she couldn't afford to waste a second.

Determined and resolute, Wu Fei scanned the bustling marketplace with a sense of urgency. She darted through the maze of bodies, her small frame agile as she navigated the crowd of onlookers and ran to the person she knew would come and help.


"Miss Suyin..." The voice, familiar yet mysterious, called out to her once more, echoing through the darkness that enveloped her like a suffocating shroud.

This time, Suyin was not paralyzed by sleep; she was alert, her senses heightened as she strained to locate the source of the haunting whisper.

With careful steps, Suyin ventured forward into the abyss, her heart pounding in her chest as she followed the ethereal voice that seemed to beckon her toward an unknown destiny.

Everything was cloaked in darkness, the inky void stretching out before her like an endless expanse of nothingness. But despite the oppressive gloom that surrounded her, Suyin pressed on, driven by an inexplicable force that compelled her to seek out the mysterious presence that called her name. With each step, the voice grew clearer, its resonance guiding her towards a glimmer of light that shimmered faintly in the distance.

"The Gods had bestowed this favor for you to help me. This is your fate..."

The words washed over Suyin like a gentle breeze, carrying with them a sense of purpose that resonated deep within her soul.

As she drew closer to the elusive light, Suyin felt a surge of anticipation course through her veins. Yet, even as she reached out to grasp the flickering beacon of hope, a sudden realization dawned upon her.

"Wait!" she cried out, her voice trembling with uncertainty. "Who are you?!"

The gentle laughter that followed her query sent shivers down her spine, a mixture of amusement and wisdom that seemed to dance on the edge of her consciousness.

"Your sense of boldness will make you go far in your life. When you follow your heart, young one."

As Suyin pressed forward towards the beckoning light, her heart pounding with anticipation, she felt herself being drawn inexorably towards its radiant glow. Each step she took seemed to propel her closer to the source of illumination, the darkness that had shrouded her now giving way to the brilliant brilliance ahead.

But just as she reached out to touch the ethereal light, her fingers grazing the edge of its brilliance, she felt herself lurch forward as if pulled by unseen hands. Suddenly, the ground beneath her feet gave way, and she plunged into a void of utter darkness.


"The flower that was laid rest on the heart of the door, opening to cure the sadness in the world" There was a melody that Suyin could faintly hear, becoming louder now. "There's just one that only opens it. She who emits the scent of the flowers. The beauty within its door to happiness."

As Suyin drifted in and out of consciousness, each fleeting moment weighed upon her like a burden too heavy to bear.

The weight of her weariness pressed down upon her shoulders like a crushing weight, a sensation akin to being pinned beneath the wheels of a colossal truck. It was as if the very essence of her being was being crushed under the immense pressure of her despair.

With each passing moment, Suyin's resolve wavered, her spirit flagging beneath the weight of her exhaustion.

The world around her seemed to blur and fade, the boundaries between reality and dreams becoming increasingly indistinct. In the haze of her delirium, a thought crept insidiously into her mind, whispering its poisonous lies like a serpent's hiss.