Ren Feng

The bustling street below buzzed with activity as shoppers bustled in and out of shops, mothers guided their children along the crowded sidewalks, and laughter echoed through the air. Suyin sat on the second-floor balcony of an inn, sipping on a cup of red tea as she observed the lively scene unfolding below.

Despite the lively atmosphere, Suyin's mind was preoccupied with thoughts of the recent incident involving Zheng An. She had been hoping to uncover some gossip or rumors that could shed light on the situation, but so far, her efforts had been in vain.

Even the guards stationed at the palace had remained tight-lipped about the incident.

Having returned the borrowed clothes and purchased a new outfit—a simple cotton-hanfu purple robe—Suyin felt more comfortable navigating the city streets without drawing unwanted attention.

As she glanced out the balcony, her thoughts were interrupted by a sudden commotion echoing from the lobby below.

"The Prince of Qin is entering!" the announcement rang out through the inn, prompting Suyin to sit up straighter in her seat. Could it be Qin Fuhua?

Setting down her teacup, Suyin rose from her seat, her curiosity piqued.

As the younger man in all black announced the arrival of the Prince of Qin, Suyin's heart skipped a beat. She strained her eyes to catch a glimpse of the prince among the crowd, but to her disappointment, he was nowhere to be seen.

The atmosphere in the inn shifted as the sound of a horse's cry heralded the arrival of a grand carriage outside.

Moments later, a young, handsome man adorned in lavish attire stepped into the inn, a confident swagger in his step. He carried himself with an air of arrogance, his hand gripping a white printed fan as he surveyed the room with a smug grin.

"Your Highness! It is an honor for you to enter our inn!" the owner exclaimed, bowing deeply in deference.

But the prince's response was far from gracious. "I would like the most expensive wine and fine women you have around here!" he demanded, his voice laced with entitlement as he flashed a self-satisfied smile.

The owner of the inn recoiled at the prince's audacious request, unsure of how to respond to such brazenness.

Suyin observed the scene unfold with a mixture of disbelief and disgust, her intuition telling her that this arrogant young man was not the true Prince of Qin.

"Your Highness. W-We do not serve women here--"

The proprietor's stuttered plea hung in the air, his fear palpable as he faced the enraged male before him. The Prince's demeanor crackled with indignation, his voice slicing through the tense atmosphere like a blade.

"Insolence! Find me some beautiful women before I execute you!" His command reverberated through the room, sending shockwaves of fear through the spectators.

Some recoiled, their eyes wide with terror, while others, sensing the danger, hurriedly averted their gaze, silently slipping away from the Prince's wrath.

"Did you not hear, Prince?! The Prince Fuhua commands you to find him some women!" The urgency in the young male's servant's voice betrayed his anxiety, his words a desperate plea for survival.

The owner could only nod frantically, his eyes avoiding any direct contact with the Prince, his presence shrinking in the face of the man's volatile temper.

Suyin squinted, her mind grappling with the familiarity of the name "Fuhua," a sense of bewilderment clouding her thoughts.

Then, like a bolt of lightning, realization struck. She had seen this before, back in Yuewei.

He was the impersonator, the man who had shown the fake jade of the Dragon, deceiving all with his false pretenses. (Reference: chapter 45)

"This isn't the Prince of Qin," she muttered furiously to herself, her voice barely a whisper, careful not to draw attention.

"Did someone dare utter words against me?!" The young man's accusation pierced the air, his gaze sweeping across the room until it landed on Suyin, who stood frozen on the second floor, disguised as a male, her heart pounding in her chest.

"Are you testing my authority?" The so-called "Prince" narrowed his eyes, his tone laced with suspicion as he confronted her.

"I'm merely stating the truth. There's little more to be said," Suyin replied, her voice steady despite the tremor of fear that gripped her. Casting a wary glance around the room, she feigned nonchalance, stretching her arms in a casual gesture.

"This matter does not concern me," she continued, her words a deliberate attempt to defuse the tension. "Enjoy your meal, 'your Highness'," she added with a sardonic edge, before swiftly retreating down the hallway, eager to evade any further confrontation with the impersonator and his retinue.

"Who is that person?" With a feral gleam in his eye and a curl of bitterness on his lips, he raised his hand, signaling his right-hand man to follow Suyin.


Suyin's heart raced as she darted down the stairs, her footsteps echoing in the dimly lit corridor. She veered towards the opposite end of the building, away from the looming presence of the impersonator and his entourage.

Though she was not in the main lobby area, she knew there was an exit nearby, leading to a balcony overlooking the bustling street below.

With a sense of urgency driving her forward, Suyin hastened down the stairs, her movements swift and purposeful. Each step brought her closer to the sanctuary of the busy street outside, away from the danger that lurked within the confines of the inn.

As she burst through the door onto the balcony, a wave of relief washed over her. The cacophony of the street below greeted her ears, a comforting symphony of life and activity. Without hesitation, she descended the remaining steps, her eyes scanning the crowds of people bustling along the crowded thoroughfare.

Suyin's inn was not far from the Palace, strategically positioned within a reasonable walking distance. However, she knew all too well that reaching its safety was only the first challenge.

Even if she managed to arrive unscathed, the imposing structure would be heavily guarded by vigilant soldiers, rendering any attempt to enter a perilous endeavor.


Suyin hurriedly ran away from the inn, her mind racing with questions about the events of the previous night and the identity of the impostor who sought to stain Qin Fuhua's reputation.

With each step, she scanned the bustling streets, hoping to catch any clue that might lead her closer to the truth.

Her heart pounded with the fear of being tracked by the impersonator and his cohorts, prompting her to cast frequent glances over her shoulder as she forged ahead.

In her distraction, she failed to notice the young man who crossed her path until it was too late. With an unexpected collision, they collided, sending the young man tumbling to the ground.

"Oof," Suyin uttered, instinctively rubbing her head as she glanced down at the fallen figure before her, dressed in fine garments and dusting off his attire.

"Aiyah," the young man exclaimed, his gaze fixated on something lying at Suyin's feet.

There, amidst the chaos of their encounter, lay a rectangular, dark-brown wooden item, its surface weathered and worn. A red and golden string dangled from it, catching the light in a mesmerizing dance.

"Sorry," Suyin apologized, bending down to retrieve the item from the ground before offering it to the young man.

He frowned, his expression shifting as he hesitated to take the object from her hand, his gaze lingering on her.

"You look like a good man," he suddenly remarked, his words catching Suyin off guard.

Suyin blinked in confusion, taken aback by the unexpected compliment. Tentatively, she glanced around, ensuring that the young man's words were directed at her and not someone else.

"What do you mean?" she asked, her voice laced with puzzlement as she searched his face for any hint of explanation.


After the chance encounter with the young man, he extended an unexpected invitation for dinner, his demeanor gradually easing Suyin's initial wariness.

With cautious curiosity, she accepted, her hunger gnawing at her resolve as she weighed the risks against the promise of a meal.

As they settled into a restaurant, the young man revealed his name to be Ren Feng, a hint of pride in his voice as he shared his family's legacy.

He then gestured towards the item Suyin had picked up earlier, unveiling it to be a token of his aspiration to sit for the prestigious medical entrance exam held within the Palace's walls.

"My name is erm," Suyin hesitated, caught off guard by the sudden need to introduce herself. After a moment's deliberation, she settled on a combination of familiar names that danced in her mind.


The names of Qin Fuhua and Weizhe rolled awkwardly off her tongue, a makeshift alias born out of necessity rather than inspiration.

Ren Feng's laughter filled the air briefly before tapering off into an uncomfortable silence, his amusement faltering.

Suyin arched an eyebrow, puzzled by his sudden change in demeanor. "What's the matter with my name?" she inquired, her curiosity piqued by his reaction.

Ren Feng's amusement bubbled beneath the surface as he struggled to contain his laughter, his eyes twinkling with mirth as he toyed with his food, indulging in its flavors.

"Fuwei, it just sounds like a name you'd give to a city," he commented, his tone light despite the underlying hint of mockery.

Suyin raised an eyebrow, bemused by his observation. "Okay, okay. Now, what's the deal?" she pressed, her curiosity getting the better of her as she leaned forward, eager to unravel the mystery behind his earlier remark.

With a sigh, Ren Feng launched into the tale of his family's aspirations and his personal struggles.

He spoke of the pressures to join the ranks of the Palace, to secure a future of stability and prestige, all at the cost of abandoning his own desires and aspirations. Yet, amidst his conflicted feelings, there was a beacon of hope in the form of a woman he cherished, a love deemed unworthy by his family's standards due to her lowly status as a maid.

"In summary, I'd like you to take my place... at least if you'd like," Ren Feng concluded, his gaze meeting Suyin's with earnest sincerity. "I don't really care what you do with that thing," he added with a shrug, gesturing towards the wooden token.

Suyin paused, her mind racing as she processed his proposition. The mention of a medical examination sparked a glimmer of possibility in her mind, a potential way to infiltrate the Palace and uncover the truth behind Zheng An's incident.

"It's an entrance to enter the palace for some medical examination," Ren Feng elaborated, his voice trailing off as he reached for a plate of vegetables, his expression expectant.

Suyin's fork paused midway to her mouth as she absorbed the gravity of the situation.

This token could be her ticket into the heart of the Palace, a chance to delve deeper into the mysteries that shrouded the royal court. With a determined nod, she accepted Ren Feng's offer, her mind already calculating the possibilities that lay ahead.

"When is the examination?" she inquired, her pulse quickening at the thought of the imminent opportunity.

Ren Feng's laughter was tinged with amusement as he delivered the unexpected news. "Tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?!" Suyin echoed, her eyes widening in disbelief as the reality of the situation sunk in.