I don't Crave for What I can't Have

She turned and walked towards her dorm, she knew for a fact that Xin Yong would have spread the news already. Everyone must be waiting to hear a honey-bun story. She knocked lightly on the door and pulled it open only to be welcomed with a scream.

"Liling!!!, why didn't you tell me?, so you've been seeing such handsome man behind our backs? It's totally totally unfair, we won't take it!" Xin Yong lamented as she strode over to Liling and pulled her to her bed.

"So tell us how did you meet that Adonis. He's quite too handsome, tell me, does he have a brother, younger or maybe older, I can date any, just let him be handsome" Xin Yong rambled on. To Liling Chang Ming wasn't even too handsome, that was how Xin Yong was, she always saw the best of a person. 'If she saw that man in the other car, she'll really die of admiration ' Liling thought.

"Liling roomie, you aren't saying anything, why are you doing this to us? " Xiao Ran who was sitting beside Liling asked expectantly. Liling just stared at both of them and sighed.

"He is just a nurse I met at the hospital my mom was admitted in, I don't even know him much, this is the first time we are meeting outside the hospital " Liling explained curtly.

"So what are you trying to say?, you don't like him? You can introduce me" Xin Yong screamed jokingly

"Xin Yong!!, she never said she didn't like him, after all they just met. It's not as if they aren't going to like each other later" Xiao Ran nudged Xin Yong. Liling just laughed and replied meekly.

"I don't crave for what I can't have, someone as handsome as him must have girls around him, he may just want to play me, or even if he isn't, I don't set my hopes high, so in the end I'll have nothing to lose"

"...." Xin Yong blinked

"...." Xiao Ran gaped

"Liling what you are trying to say is that, you don't even want to try him out? " Richen who had been quiet all these while suddenly asked. She had been returning from the library when she met Chang Ming outside, he had introduced himself and asked if she knew Liling. She had told him that Liling was her roommate and that he should wait a little, that it was about time for her to return. She found him quite handsome and having a nice build, she was surprised at Liling's answer and couldn't help but ask.

Liling laughed out loud.

"Roomies,why the stress? Uh?, okay, you want me to throw myself at him so when he dumps me I'll cry like a fool?, I don't know his interest but right now I have three pressing issues to deal with; first exams, second exams and thirdly exams and now if you would excuse me, I need to take a bath. " Liling laughed at her friends' surprised expressions.

The truth was that she never planned on dating or ever getting married. She saw the life her mom lived, crying everyday, suffering to make ends meet only to be beaten by her dad at the end of the day. One time, he had even locked her and her mom outside the house under the storm just because they couldn't prepare something for dinner that night due to lack of money. Her mom caught cold and was admitted in the hospital the next day. Even though she knew all men may not be the same, she didn't want to fall in love with someone so blindly like that, she couldn't risk it. That's why she wasn't even seeing the handsome Chang Ming, she was just seeing a standing tall male.

She stood up admist the stares from her roommates and strode to the bathroom with smiles on her face. As she took a bath, she hummed a favourite tone, paying deaf ears to the bickering of her roommates in the room. After putting on her pajamas, she strode over to her bed and slept soundly smiling like a fresh fish.