I'm shameless

"Ah, why is no one talking?, don't tell me!!, no future husbands?, not even a potential boyfriend?"

Xiao Ran continued nagging at her friends, while different thoughts ran through their minds.

Liling thought of Liu Wei, she sighed deeply and scolded herself.

She shouldn't be thinking of him again!

Xin Yong who hadn't even forgotten about Jin Yue became a little sad. She wished he meant what he said. But, they had left America and there was no way they could meet again. So that story was pretty closed. Well since it was closed, she could at least gist her friends.

"Mmm..., there was this guy.. "

Liling who was in the process of taking off her shoes immediately sprang up and looked at Xin Yong in surprise.

Richen also turned to look back. They were all surprised and at the same time anxious to hear what she would say.

Facing her friends' questionable stares. Xin Yong laughed a little.

"Ahhh, he's no boyfriend. We won't even meet again certainly. So no wild guesses yet. Do you remember that Adonis that sat beside Mr CEO at the dinner?"

She asked looking at Liling and Richen.

"Yes.." Liling and Richen answered almost immediately.

Xiao Ran who didn't know who they were referring to just nodded and continued to listen to the story.

"Uhhmm, the thing is... He kissed me.." Her voice derailed. She cast a glance at her three friends.

" "

" "

" "

They all blinked, trying to digest the information.

"You mean kiss, like mouth to mouth or mouth to cheeks" Xiao Ran asked, demonstrating as she spoke.

"Mouth to mouth, kinda.. "

"Did he use tongue or just peck on the lips" She asked again, this time a little louder.

"Umm.. a little bit of tongue" Xin Yong replied trying to remember the details of the kiss, her cheeks reddened.

"Ahhhhhh, Xin Yong!!!, you kissed.. kissed a man!, how was it, tell me, Ahhhhhh, Xin Yong!!" Xiao Ran screamed as she shook Xin Yong roughly.

Richen stared at her disbelievingly. She had seen Jin Yue, he wasn't even their class not to talk of kissing Xin Yong, impossible!.

"Tell us, how did it happen? "

Richen asked and Xin Yong narrated the story including the part he had asked her out.

"Are you sure he's not wanting to just play you? "

Liling asked as she stared at her. Xiao Ran reasoned with her and nodded.

"Yong Yong, it may be true. See, if he's that handsome and rich, he wouldn't lack girls by his side, so it may just be that he wants to play you"

"Ah, I know, I didn't agree. He's too handsome to be sincere. People like that destroy the heart of girls. But... the kiss was really hot"

They all laughed as they returned to what they were doing. Xiao Ran remained by her, asking how the kiss was and how she felt.

So much like her.


Xin Yong!, someone is looking for you downstairs. Jeez is that your boyfriend, he's so handsome. You are so lucky!"

A dorm mate who lived on the first floor pushed open the door and screamed.

Liling looked at Xin Yong who was lying on her bed reading a novel, Xin Yong looked as surprised as her. Xiao Ran left with Richen to get some groceries, so they were the only ones around at that time.

"Are you sure of who he asked for? "

She asked perplexed, she didn't have any brothers and the only man who had crossed her life was that Adonis, but he didn't know her school not to talk of her dorm. It was not him, by any means.

"Yes!, I'm sure, come and look at him yourself. He's so handsome. Xin Yong, if you don't like him, you can introduce me. I'll be more than grateful, haha"

The girl laughed as she dragged Xin Yong down the stairs.

Jin Yue stood by the side of a Lamborghini, he was wearing a royal blue shirt with black trousers and black shoes to match. The first two buttons weren't buttoned, which made him look extra sexy.

So breathtaking!.

"You...!, how did you find me? " Xin Yong asked when she saw him. The dorm mate scurried back to her room and peeped at them through the window.

"You were never lost." Jin Yue smirked as he walked towards her.

"What do you want? " Xin Yong frowned as she crossed her arms in front of her.

"Sweet, I'm sorry for kissing you without your permission, and this is my way of showing my sincere apologies"

He took out his phone and said something to someone through the phone and at that minute a brand new SUV drove in. A man stepped out and handed the keys over to Jin Yue, bowed and left.

"This is for you"

Jin Yue presented her with the keys, he stared at her with a dazzling smile. Xin Yong felt her heart wavering. She had really lost it this time.

"You didn't need to do this... "

"Haha, I know, but I'm shameless you know, this is what shameless people do" He smirked and walked towards her again, this time she took two steps backwards.

"I can't accept that, it's too much.. "

Xin Yong said almost pleading.

Jin Yue feigned a sad expression.

"You don't accept my apology? "

Xin Yong realizing what it meant immediately shook her head.

"No, no that's not what I meant, I accept your apology but your gift is too much"

"Okay, you can throw it away, or give it out. Do anything you like with it, but I'm not taking it back with me"

Jin Yue spoke in a matter-of-fact tone. He took Xin Yong's hand and before Xin Yong could realize what was happening, the keys were already in her hands.

He started walking towards his car.

"Hey, wait! "

Xin Yong ran to him and held him back. Jin Yue turned to face her, his expression still sad.

Xin Yong felt sorry but couldn't deny that his mode of apology was way too much.

"Okay, I accept your apology, but I can't ride that thing, it's too big for me. If you insist, you can apologize in another way"

Jin Yue smiled at himself, his tricks always worked.

"Okay, you will go out with me then"

"What!!, No!! "

Xin Yong released her grip, and turned back to go to her dorm, but Jin Yue stopped her immediately.

"No, I don't mean date me, like a dinner with me."

Xin Yong stopped and turned back. She looked at him, admiring his handsomeness.

She couldn't help but admit that he was breathtaking.

"Okay, just one dinner and you will let me be."

She said but felt a little sad thinking about it.

"Yes, just one" Jin Yue smirked.

"I don't know your name" Xin Yong said, staring at him. She just realized that she didn't even know his name all these while.

"Jin Yue" Jin Yue replied, smiling like a lad who just won a free ice cream.

"Okay, you can take the keys now" Xin Yong handed over the keys and he smirked at her a little. She couldn't help but feel butterflies in her tummy when his hands touched hers.

She quickly withdrew her hands and waved him goodbye, turning around she ran to her room. Not caring to know how he would take the two cars with him.