Let's see how long she would resist his charm

Liling hurried up and ran past him up the stairs. She quickly pushed open his bedroom door and Liu Wei casually walked in, a frown still on his face.

Liling walked in after him and closed the door behind her.

Liu Wei's bedroom was really the master room!.

Here she was complaining about her own room, what would she say about his.

It was extremely large and tastefully decorated.

Liling immediately walked towards the centre of the room, obviously going to prepare the bath but she paused seeing that there were three doors connected to his room, so which one was the bathroom?

She stopped and turned to Liu Wei who had just removed his tie and was unbuttoning his shirt.

"Mr Liu Wei, which is the bathroom? "

Asking in a very mild voice, she pointed at the doors.

Liu Wei glanced at her then pointed at the door at the extreme right.

She nodded and quickly walked towards it.

"Make it 70° hot"