Bad mouthed!

" "

Making people sick with my morning breath!!

Liling couldn't help but glare at the badmouthed Adonis sitting complacently on the sofa, as though he hadn't said anything wrong.

She was fuming but she bit her tongue to suppress the rising anger.

"There is a bag on the table, make do with what you need"

Liu Wei said again, still not looking at her.

Liling angrily glared at him but didn't utter a word. She walked to the table and opened the bag.

There was a toothbrush and paste, a dress, undies, creams, oils, soaps to mention a few.

Liling turned to look at Liu Wei, a blush on her cheeks. The initial anger was replaced with embarrassment.

'When did he buy all these? he even bought undies too!!. God! this is so so embarrassing!! '

Given that Liu Wei's face was so aloof and uninterested, she couldn't utter a word, she didn't know the next venom he would vomit from that uncircumcised mouth of his!