Birthday Party...

"Happy Birthday Sweet. "

Xin Yong was woken up by a text from Jin Yue, she was just realizing that that day was her birthday.

She gently rubbed her eyes and turned to look at the wall clock, it was just half past six in the morning.

It took her ten minutes to stretch her limbs and after a while, she lazily stood up from the bed to wash her mouth.


It was ten I'm the morning yet Xin Yong hadn't received a call from Jin Yue. Though she wouldn't pick it, it still gave her that tingling sensation that he still cared.

12 o'clock...

1 o'clock...

4 o'clock...

Xin Yong lay sulking on her bed. This was the worst birthday ever!!

After the birthday wishes she got from her parents, no one else called, even Liling!!

She sulked as she ate from the bucket of popcorn, eating every piece with great bitterness.

Xin Yong bolted from the bed and reached for her phone when she heard it ring, her excitement drained when she saw it was Liling on the line.