You look Perfect

Liling's eyes fluttered open as she inhaled a familiar scent. She realized she wasn't on the ground but in someone's arms.

Liu Wei had caught her.

Her heartbeat increased rapidly as she realized that he was hugging her to himself and his hands were around her waists.

Quickly, she released herself from his grasp and stood upright, adjusting her dress.

"Thank you...and... I'll be heading downstairs. "

Liling replied nervously. She wasn't comfortable with his unwavering stare, all she wanted to do was disappear from his presence.

"You look... perfect tonight..."

" "

Liling froze considerably. Her feet that were about skipping off stuck to the floor as a deep blush flushed her pretty face.


She finally voiced out amidst the waves of emotions that were about to push open her chests.

Liu Wei thoughts ran wild.