A Heart chattering Revelation

During the meal, Liling couldn't help but notice the lovey dovey scene which was playing out before her.

'What! Has Xin Yong forgotten that her dearest BFF was still single? Can't she hold it till they were alone or they could just get a room upstairs! '

The only sound in the dining table was coming from the newly engaged couple. Liu Wei who had wanted to pretend that everything was alright couldn't hold it again, he instinctively turned to Jin Yue.

"This is time to eat, could you both exercise a little bit of patience till you get home? Or if you are both in a hurry, thank God we're in a hotel, you can go get a room. "

Liling, Jin Yue and Xin Yong: "....???"

The room fell quiet for a second before Jin Yue burst into laughter.

"Oh my!... , Bro, I've told you to get someone, but no! you blatantly refused. I'm with the love of my life, what do you expect? "

Xin Yong and Liling both looked at themselves as though they were both thinking the same thing.