Morning Sunshine!

Liling stirred on the large comfy bed. She was dazzled by the morning sun which was seeping it's rays through the milk coloured curtains. Unable to pull open her eyes, she quickly released what she had been holding and covered her face with her hand.

Stretching her limbs, Liling turned and held onto what she was holding before...

'This ...this... pillow is strange... why is it so warm... and hard...'

Sanity started seeping in little by little. Liling immediately frowned and felt around the body she had been holding tightly.

'This is no pillow...!'

Her eyes immediately flung open and she bolted up from the bed and turned to look at the other occupant of the bed.

"Morning Sunshine, you're finally awake! "

Liu Wei was leaning on the headboard using one arm to support his head. He was smiling brightly at Liling, not showing any bit of guilt or shame.