The night before...

Xin Yong had been awake for over ten minutes but didn't want to make a sound, she lay there still, eyes closed pretending to be asleep.


Jin Yue arm was currently holding her naked body tightly around her waists, while the other arm was resting around her bare breast.


He would occasionally rub circles on her lower abdomen, around the V curve, not to talk of the little brother which was poking his head at her lower back, Xin Yong was really not finding it funny, her sore core was starting to feel tingly all over again.

She knew he was awake but didn't want to leave the bed and didn't want her to escape too, that was why he held her so close, but

com' on she was damn embarrassed, her cheeks started heating up as she thought of what had happened the night before.

Jin Yue had not been too rough, but given that he had been celibate for a long while, she found it hard keeping up to his pace, it was painful at the beginning...