You want to trek?

Liling stood in front of the mirror checking herself out . Kim had done her makeup, and although she had said she looked beautiful over a hundred times, she still felt self conscious.

"Don't you think I should change this dress, it seems too tight and quite short... "

"Liling!, what's wrong with you?, I've told you that this dress looks perfect on you, come on, Liu Wei had been waiting downstairs for a while now"

Kim said, pulling her out impatiently.

"When you get back, you give me a full gist!, and don't try to hide anything, I'm watching you!"

Kim demonstrated by pointing her two fingers at herself then to Liling. Liling burst out laughing.

"Stop talking nonsense!..."

Liling wore a pair of flat sandals, her dress was just normal. She didn't look extravagant nor too shabby, besides they were just going to watch a movie, she didn't want anything making her uncomfortable.