I'm engaged

"Mom, I need to tell you something. "

Xin Yong finally said in a whisper after hours of contemplation. Her parents returned the day before, so she had to leave for home quickly, Jin Yue didn't want her to leave, but she had no choice, her parents didn't know of him yet.

Her mom smiled and looked up at her, then returned her eyes to the apple she was peeling.

"Spill it, you've been pacing around the kitchen all morning, I figured you wanted to say something."

"Yeah... okay, the thing is... "

Xin Yong scratched her head lightly. She planned to tell her parents together with Jin Yue, or rather that was what they planned, but she wanted to know what her mom had to say about it first.

Jin Yue said he was going to come during the weekend, but she couldn't wait till then. She wanted to know if her mom was in support of her getting married to him.

"What is it? "

Her mom asked again, this time lifting her eyes from the bowl.

"Okay, the thing is... I'm ...engaged!! "