Is Liling home?

"Good day Young Master Liu Wei, is there a problem? "

Qianru asked a bit tensed up. She wondered what could make the boss call her all of a sudden. There was no reply from the other side of the line for a while. Liu Wei was deep in thoughts, still contemplating on whether to ask Qianru or not.

The lady, not hearing him speak for a while, called out again;

"Young Master Liu... "

"Is Liling home? "

Liu Wei interrupted her before he would change his mind. He gripped the phone firmer as he awaited Qianru's response.

When Qianru heard his question, she was speechless for a moment.

'Why Was the young master asking after a maid? Was she doing anything uncalled for?

A common maid!'

"Young Master, she's home. She didn't leave today, it seems today was a free day for her."

She finally replied, though still inquisitive about their relationship.

"Okay, tell the workers, you all should go home, you can resume your duties next week."