Liling, do you know that I love you?

"Liling..., you'll always have me. No matter what it is, even if you're not here anymore, you'll still have me. I want you to know that. "

Liu Wei held her closely as he whispered these words to her. Liling who was almost at the brink of tears, could not stop the tears from falling when she heard his heartwarming words.

She hugged him back and buried her head in his warm chests, letting her tears flow freely.

Her mind instantly flooded with thoughts of her parents, and how she grew up without any fatherly care.

She had no one to lean on, her mom was a woman who had lost the zeal to live, almost withdrawn, what kept her moving was the fact that she had a daughter who needed her.

Without her husband, her mom was a walking corpse.

Liling grew up knowing that she had nobody and no-one cared to know what happened to her.