It's not bad if you get pregnant.

*Matured Content*

Xin Yong woke up to a sweet looking man staring at her with the most beautiful hazel eyes she had ever seen.

Jin Yue had come over to see her parents the previous day. He was a bit scared meeting her parents, wondering if they would like him.

He was quite surprised at the warm treatment he received from them when he arrived. Her mom especially treated him like a son who just returned after spending five years abroad.

She continued placing food on his plate and urging him to eat more. Her dad did not talk much, but given that he actually invited him to play chess, Jin Yue took it as an acceptance.

After dinner, Xin Yong pleaded that she follow him home, she clung pettily to his side not wanting to let go.

Her parents laughed at her childish behavior, but later let her go with him.

That night, they were so tired, that they just took a shower and retired to bed in each others arms.