
It wasn't until 4 pm that Manager Su released Liling. She made sure that they went through all the songs in her notebook, one after the other. She commended Liling since most of the songs were amazing, by the time they were through, time was far spent.

When Liling switched on her phone, it was already past four. She quickly dialed her Chauffeur's number to know if he was around.

''Hello, I'm so sorry, I had to switch off my phone, where are you?''

She apologized sincerely as she made her way out of the company.

''No problem Ma'am… Miss Liling, I'm waiting at the parking lot.''

''Oh my God, hope you haven't been waiting for so long?''

Liling asked, feeling guilty that she had kept him waiting.

''No, I just arrived.''

 He lied, although he had been waiting for her since morning, he would not tell her that. He was paid to drive her, so he had no reason to complain.