I missed all of you

''I would have killed myself if you had listened to me and died in that crash! I would never be able to live with the guilt, thank you for not keeping your promise.''

Liling concluded as a tear escaped her eyes; Liu Wei wiped it immediately with his thumb, his eyes not leaving hers for a moment.

''I love you, so much, Liling. I feel I'm not good enough for you and all I do is tell you that I love you, but still the thought of you leaving me sends millions of needles piercing through my heart, it hurt so much.''

''You don't need to prove it, okay. Just be alive and stay with me. That's enough.''

Liling cut in with a smile on her lips. Her eyes were still a bit teary but she was not weeping anymore. Liu Wei smiled at this point and pulled her in for a tight hug.

They stayed like that for a few minutes before Liling broke the silence,