The Letter

Liling bit her lower lip as she stared at the tightly shut door not knowing what to do. She only snapped out of her daze when she heard the sound of rushing water coming from the bathroom. She dragged her legs to the vanity table and blow dried her hair slowly, her mind still thinking about what just happened.

After drying her hair, she applied her facial lotion and changed into her night gown then retired to bed. She was still fully awake when the door of the bathroom cringed open and Liu Wei stepped out.

Her back was facing the bathroom therefore she did not see Liu Wei, but she felt him standing and staring at her. Her body involuntarily stiffened and she held her pillow tightly.

Liu Wei stood there for some time before picking up the hair dryer to blow dry his hair. His eyes involuntarily fell on Liling's reflection in the mirror and his lips pursed into a thin line.

She was hugging her pillow so dejectedly and Liu Wei felt so pained.